Hi Arthur,
As we await the official Arizona Senate audit results, a private canvass of the Maricopa vote has revealed how deep and how bad the fraud problem is. 

And it's time to decertify.

I'm Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers. I am an Arizona State Senator fighting nationwide for election integrity! Please help me continue to fight for election integrity measures!

Today, a private organization released the results of their own canvass of Maricopa. 

The results could not be more shocking.
This is additional proof of fraud in Maricopa in 2020:

Liz Harris, a Republican grassroots organizer, spoke to host Steve Bannon on “War Room” Wednesday, disclosing voting discrepancies in Maricopa County, which was conducted through canvasing. She released a report of the audit on Tuesday.

An estimated 173,104 votes are missing or lost, as reported to our volunteers who went door to door verifying registration and voting information for thousands of residents. These are American citizens living in Maricopa County who cast a vote, primarily by mail, in the election and yet there is no record of their vote with the county and it was not counted in the reported vote totals for the election,” according to the canvass report.

Additionally an estimated 96,389 mail-in votes were cast under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registration address or who were verified as having moved away prior to October 2020”, the report states.

Former US military intelligence officer and statistical analyst Seth Keshel, who released a report last month over the 2020 election, presented graphs during “War Room” on Wednesday, explaining why it “was too close to certify Maricopa County”, regarding not just the presidential election, but U.S. Senate, representatives, and more.

Meanwhile, Liz Harris, during the interview, told Steve Bannon of the canvass report, “We actually went to the homes of the registered voters and the results are just amazing.”

She further noted, “We don’t take money and we are a grassroots citizens group that essentially got this started.” 

So that's it. Several hundred thousand votes altered by outside actors or fraud. 

This is a scandal. This is why we did the audit.
If a group of unpaid citizens could canvass the voters to determine the scope of the problems, imagine what a complete effort could uncover.

Keep in mind, Biden only officially carried AZ by just over 10,000 votes. Martha McSally lost by less than 80,000.

This makes clear that quite possibly, Trump and McSally could have won. 
Here we are. The proof is here, the receipts are here, and the fraud was real. And it was substantial. 

Hundreds of thousands of altered votes. More than enough to change the 2020 results. 

And the full AZ audit report still to come. 

We need so many changes. Our elections are insecure and we need to secure them.

We are taking on the Left and the media and we are winning with hard work and FACTS.

Will you help me fight for audits around the country? We need more proof so we can get the changes we need for election integrity!

Our elections need to be fair and secure. Right now they are not. Help us finish this process, both here and around the country!

Biden and the media are trying to discredit us. But they can't fight our facts! Join our fight and help us stop the fraud!

Thank you so much.

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. George Soros and the leftwing billionaires are going to target my district again with millions of dollars in attack ads like they did last time. I need to raise $100k by the end of this month to stay on track to keep my seat. Will you contribute today to help me get there?


Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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