No More Berman: Sherman all the Way

Berman and Sherman may vote 90% of the time with their party, but Sherman voted against TARP (whether for selfish or altruistic reasons, I am glad that someone refused to bail out the banks.)

One resident in the Valley shared with me that, and I agree with him, that Berman's arrogant assumption of running as "the incumbent" has turned them off, and rightfully so.

There are no incumbents in the currently redistricted congressional districts. Henry Waxman is an incumbent as he is currently serving in Congress, as is Berman, yet their long-standing tenure has created a machine which is contrary to the best interests of the state and the country.

Indeed, more independent legislators are needed in Congress, and if Brad Sherman is willing to follow the spirit of the rest of the reform-minded Californians who want legislators who will respond to their needs and respect their rights as opposed to voting with their party and their own limited interests, then he deserves to win the seat in the 30th Congressional District.

I mince no words on this matter: I would prefer a tried-and-true conservative, but since Ms. Shelley did not win one of the top-two spots after the June 6 primary, I am willing to settle for the candidate who has more freedom, who is willing to reach out across party lines and honor every voter in his district, regardless of their party affiliation.

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