I paid closer to Ed Gillespie's campaign when I found this article:

Republicans trumpet Confederate statues, slam illegal immigration in new mailer attacking Northam

A new mailer approved by Republican gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie
features a photo of the Robert E. Lee statue on Richmond’s Monument Avenue and
accuses Democrat Ralph S. Northam of wanting to “tear down history while making
life easier for illegal immigrants.”

This hit piece was perfect. Gillespie articulated two major concerns weighing on the hearts of many Virginia voters: they attack on their heritage and the onslaught against their safety and sovereignty
The political flier, paid for by the Republican Party of Virginia,
swaps out Gillespie’s usual “For ALL Virginians” slogan for the lesser-used
“For a safer, stronger Virginia.”

Oh brother! As thought Gillespie doesn't care about all Virginians!

Check out this ad from the Gillespie campaign, targeting Ralph Northam's conspicuous absence from rural Virginia:

Throughout the ad, Ed Gillespie bumper stickers are featured, and they have other ads showing that Gillespie is working for all Virginians.
The flier promises that Gillespie will “crack down” on illegal
immigration and claims that Northam, the current lieutenant governor,
“supported restoring rights to illegal immigrants who committed crimes,” a
reference to data errors that occurred when Gov. Terry McAuliffe took executive
action to restore civil rights to more than 206,000 felons. The governor’s list
at one point included a sex offender who had been deported to his native Peru.
The McAuliffe administration corrected the mistakes.

Yes, but the mistakes were made, and Ralph Northam must be held accountable for that, too.
Northam has voiced strong support for McAuliffe’s expansive approach to
restoring felons’ voting rights. He has not called for restoring rights to
people who immigrated illegally, who are not allowed to vote in Virginia
regardless of whether they’ve committed a felony.

They shouldn't even be in the country! They need to be deported. Instead of cooperating with law enforcenement, howerver, McAuliffe and Northam have pandered to illegal immigration, felons, and other non-citizen populations to ensure their election chances. When will enough be enough?

Virginians are terribly affected by illegal immigration, and they want their state back!

Here's one side of the ad, focused on Northam's pro-illegal record.

But by firing up its base with stark attacks on Northam centered on
Confederate symbols and illegal immigration, the GOP runs the risk of being
criticized as playing to the racial divisions that many Democrats believe
propelled President Donald Trump to the White House.

Illegal immigration has never been about race. Being in this country illegally is an act of defiance against our nation's immigration laws. It has nothing to do with one's skin color.
“It’s sad to see Ed Gillespie stoop to Trump’s divisive rhetoric in a
fit of desperation,” said Northam spokesman David Turner. “Lacking enthusiasm,
funding, and an effective message, Ed is trying to move Virginians further
apart, rather than bring them together. Maybe it’s time for him to look in the
mirror and ask himself if he’s really proud of the campaign he’s running.”

Fighting against illegal immigration is not divisive. Liberal advocates are now warning the Democratic Party to stop casting opposition to illegal immigration as racist. That kind of rhetoric is divisive and demeaning. There are immigrants, now fully naturalized citizens, who oppose illegal immigration, who want the borders secured–there is no way to justify calling them racist!
A spokesman for the Gillespie campaign responded by saying Gillespie is
running on “spurring growth in a stagnant economy and keeping our communities
safe by combating violent gangs.”

Of course, the Democratic Party has a problem with basic enforcement of criminal laws. No surprise there, since most Democrats have no problem violating our laws, teaching illegals how to skirt deportation, stealing from taxpayers, killing people, and engaging in sexual assault!

Gillespie isn't just focusing on mailers.
In immigration-themed TV ads, Gillespie has sought to draw attention to
violent crimes tied to the gang MS-13 by featuring ominous photos of tattooed
Hispanic men. The flier doesn’t mention MS-13, but accuses Northam of being too
lenient to illegal immigrants who want to drive or go to college.
Under the headline “Liberal Ralph Northam stands with illegal
immigrants,” the flier says that Northam supports in-state tuition and driver’s
licenses for illegal immigrants and that he cast a “deciding vote in favor of
sanctuary cities.”
There are no sanctuary cities in Virginia, a fact Gillespie has
publicly acknowledged.

Yes, and let's make sure that it stays that way. There is nothing wrong with ensuring a final block of any or all potential local ordinances which would endanger the public.

Earlier this year, General Assembly Republicans trying to pass a bill
to ban sanctuary policies in the future forced Northam to cast a tie-breaking
vote against it. After voting no to create the tie, Senate Majority Leader
Thomas K. Norment Jr., R-James City, changed his vote to pass the bill, which
was then vetoed by McAuliffe.

Shame on them all! SHAME!

Final Reflection

Ed Gillespie has found the sweet spot politically.

Public safety, illegal immigration, cultural heritage are all under attack from the Democratic Party. Virginia residents of all backgrounds are tried of this arrogance, elitists onslaught against their rights, their identity, and their safety.

Gillespie is going to win this race!

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