US Senator James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) is flirting with some kind of legal status program/amnesty for the illegal alien nightmares in our country.

Oklahoma is one of the most conservative states in the union. Not one county has gone Democratic in the last two presidential election cycles. Why would he be doing this?!

Reminder, these Nightmare Kids are the same people who overwhelmed House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's press conference. They want more than a DREAM Act. They want all 11 million illegal aliens legalized.
That is wrong.
These are the only dreamers who matter—Americans!
Notice that they do not want illegal aliens overrunning their country–our country!
So, what is Lankford's problem? I have submitted this guy is on some kind of flimsy quasi-Christian guilt trip. Reminder: Heaven has gates, New Jerusalem has walls, and in the Old Testament, Ruth the Moabite did not break into Israel, but entered through the power and authority of a sponsor, her mother-in-law Naomi. In Ezra and Nehemiah, too, those scribes outlined the importance of walls!
So, Christian doctrine does not justify or demand the removal of walls, borders, and national identities. 
So, what is the matter with this guy?!
I went to US Senator Lankford's office earlier this week.
I showed them the following video, documenting how these "little kids" are now an adult, and real threat!
I made it very clear to this man: these "DACA kids" are CACA for this country's future.
There should be no amnesty. They have no ties to this country, and no they are not Americans who only lack legal status.
Most of the illegal aliens are hostile, Marxist activists who want to undermine our country and our culture.

Here is another dreamer, Ruben Morfin, who was murdered by an illegal alien.

What about his dreams, Senator Lankford?!

 This Oklahoma junior senator has no idea what he's talking about. He is bending over backwards to do something for 7,000 illegal aliens in his state. What about the millions of American dreamers who are struggling to find work, who are looking for good schooling, who want to feel safe in their own country?!

Build the Wall!
By the way … what were his promises on immigration when he ran for office?!.

Immigration is not about race or poverty, it is about the rule of law and a commitment to respect each person as created in the image of God. But, amnesty should be prohibited and each person must be held accountable for their actions.

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Call Senator Lankford's office right now, and demand that he put AMERICANS First–and Americans Dreamers as his only concern. All illegals must be deported to their home countries, regardless of their current age, or their age when they entered the United States illegally:

Oklahoma City

1015 North Broadway Avenue
Suite 310
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Phone: (405) 231-4941



The Remington Tower
5810 East Skelly Drive
Suite 1000
Tulsa, OK 74135
Phone: (918) 581-7651

Washington, D.C.

316 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5754
Fax: (202) 228-1015


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