This letter of commendation says it all.

US Senator David Perdue ran aginst fifteen other Republicans for the GOP nomination in 2014, and then defeated his Democratic challenger by five points, even though six years ago, the previous US Senator, Saxby Chambliss, had to contend for reelection through a run-off.

He should be warmly commended for blocking a pro-illegal alien judicial nominee this past month.

These kinds of victories do not get enough press!

But the should!

We are constantly bombarded with news stories about the Republican establishment in Congress caving to the Democrats and to President Obama, and even though it’s his last year in office, 2016 will be no different. 

Except… there are a few brave souls, and we want to make sure they get the thanks and support they deserve for fighting for what is right.

Your Senator, David Perdue, who was elected in 2014 to stand up to Obama’s agenda, is actually doing that! In a year when the Republican leaders in the Senate have completely and publicly bowed down to President Obama, openly vowing to give him whatever he wants this year, including any judicial nominee he wants, it is exhilarating and refreshing to watch Sen. Perdue say no.

Sen. Perdue, in his role on the Judiciary Committee, refused to sign off on a judge named Dax Lopez, who is also from Georgia. Apparently, it is common for Senators to always approve judges from their home states. It’s seen as shocking when a Senator does not just acquiesce, and blocks a home-state judge.

US Senator David Perdue (R-GA)

Luckily for us, Sen. Perdue said no, and blocked this appointment. Dax Lopez is a judge who wrote in support of in-state tuition for illegal immigrants in Georgia. Lopez also sat on the board of an open borders group that is involved in a lawsuit against Georgia, demanding driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. Right now, with the issues of illegal immigration, national security, border security, and sovereignty at the top of the list of voters’ concerns, we are so thankful that Sen. Perdue had the guts to say no to an open borders, illegal immigrant advocate judge. We’ve always said that we will hold elected officials accountable when they do something wrong, and we will support them when the do the right thing.

Join us in thanking, and giving support to Sen. Perdue for his brave actions in saying no to open borders judge, Dax Lopez. What makes this all the more remarkable, is that Lopez is a Republican judge and a member of the Federalist Society! Many Senators would have looked at those credentials and signed off on Lopez. Not Sen. Perdue!

We have made it easy for you to quickly send a thank you note to Sen. Perdue. It will only take you a couple of minutes. Please consider forwarding this email and encouraging your family and friends to send Sen. Perdue a thank you through our easy system too!

In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
Thank you, US Senator David Perdue!
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