US Senator Al Franken:
Not Good Enough, Not Smart Enough,
No One Likes Him (or Obamacare)
US Senator Al Franken won election to the US Senate by less the
one thousand votes in 2008. If he had not been elected, the US Senate would not
have had the sixty-vote supermajority to pass Obamacare over the filibuster of
fiscally conservative, budget-minded Republicans in the Senate.

Fast forward to 2014, and Franken is up for reelection. Recently in the
Twitterverse, Senator Franken had nothing to say about Obamacare and the
failing, flailing MNsure health exchange, but instead took out his frustrations
on the potential Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger:

I'm concerned #ComcastTWC merger could mean less
choice, higher cost, & worse service for consumers.

The retweets and responses which followed included frustrated
tweeters picking out the very criticisms of less choice, higher cost, lower
service. . .for Obamacare.

In terms of less choice, Obamacare has been a train wreck and an unmitigated
disaster from the moment that the Democratically-controlled US Congress and
President passed the law. And for Minnesota, especially, the law has not been
good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people don't like it!

According to the New York Times, one in five people
who signed up through the healthcare exchanges did not pay their premiums, and
did not receive coverage, including in Minnesota.
The Wall Street Journal
slammed MNsure, reporting that the repairs for the failing website could take
two years.

About higher costs, there are thousands of
stories throughout the country of individuals forced off their health insurance
and then required to purchase another, more expense plan because of Obamacare.

Regarding lower service, the MNsure health exchange director resigned
less year, following Ms. April Todd-Malmlov's unwise and insensitive decision
to go on  a tropical vacation while wintry Minnesota residents were
struggling to sign up and get healthcare. 
In the Brainerd Dispatch,
Dr. Mark Shelley launched “Doctors against murderous Obamacare”. Last year,
the Weekly Standard exposed
that the MNSure website had not doctors listed,
and 83% of private physicians are opting out of
Obamacare or the medical profession entirely.

And as for responses to Franken's concerns about Comcast-Time Warner Cable. . .

Here's a sample:

nymjr7 @nymjr7
Feb 13

@alfranken Also I'm concerned that you're
actually IN Congress…we're doomed!!

And another:

Casey Kim @caseykim12 Feb 13

Just like #Obamacare! “@alfranken:
I'm concerned
#ComcastTWC merger
could mean less choice, higher cost, & worse service for consumers."

Here's another:

Jack Tomczak@JackTomczak
Feb 13

Can you come on @UpAndAtEmShow and
explain how that would be any different than
#Ocare? @alfranken

and also

Brad Carlson
@Brad_Carlson Feb 13

You misspelled Obamacare. MT @alfranken
I'm concerned
#ComcastTWC merger
could mean less choice, higher cost, & worse service for consumers.

And finally my thoughts:

Arthur C. Schaper @ArthurCSchaper 13h

@alfranken says Comcast = "less
choice, higher cost, & worse service" also Obamacare
@JulianneOrtman @MikeMcFadden @MinnGoper

With all the inevitable negative press surrounding Obamacare,
including in the Great Lakes State, a recent Jobs Coalition poll
in Minneapolis the Star-Tribute reports that
Minnesota voters are rejecting Obamacare and Al Franken. With all the
upset about the liberal Minnesota Senator's lock-step support for Obamacare,
and its terrible effects on Minnesotans, and all Americans and the American
health care system, maybe now's the time for the former SNL Stuart Smalley to
look for a pound cake!
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