Please keep calling and emailing the White House and your Republican congress member and senators.  The single issue that got President Trump elected was his promise to secure our borders and end illegal immigration.   Build that Wall was his top campaign theme and now he's caving to Paul Ryan and his open border RINO ilk in Congress who refuse to fund our border security. 

RNC Chair: GOP Base Will 'Walk Away' in Midterms If Border Wall Is …

RNC Chair: GOP Base Will 'Walk Away' in Midterms If Border Wall Is Not Built
Angel Mom Agnes Gibboney

Members Urged to Take Action on Border Security, Tackle Crime

Witnesses, including a woman whose son was killed by an undocumented immigrant, testify at a House Oversight sub…

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Ly Kou <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 11:20 AM
Subject: Urgent!!! Call President Trump- Build the Wall NOW! (Share far and wide)
Media reports today indicate that President Trump is backing off his push for funding for the secured border fence.

Trump backs away from demand for border wall money – Breitbart

Trump backs away from demand for border wall money
1)  CALL the White House and DEMAND that President Trump keeps his promise to secure our borders.  202-456-1111 and email him at  Get in Touch with The White House
2)  Call Paul Ryan and your Republican congress member and tell him/her to support funding for the secure border fence.  If you have any Republican senators, call them as well.   D.C. Switchboard: 202-456-1414 
Jeff Schwilk
ICE Hotline:  866-347-2423   (Report any suspicious activity)
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