Aram Chaparyan, a staff member in the Torrance City Mananger's Office, sent me the following statement about Torrance's ongoing interest in Community Choice Aggregation:

Good afternoon Mr. Schaper,
Staff has not taken any further steps since the City Council meeting. I am aware of other efforts such as City of Hawthorne obtaining a consulting firm to prepare a feasability study and the LA County Board of Supervisors also approving a resolution to further study Community Choice Aggregation.   Staff will continue to monitor other regional efforts and any further direction wil require City Council review and approval.
Thank you,
Aram Chaparyan
Assistant to the City Manager
City of Torrance | 3031 Torrance Blvd. | Torrance CA 90503 | 310.618.5880 voice | 310.618.5891 fax | |

Aram Chaparyan, Asst. to Torrance City Manager
The CCA Agenda is indeed Obamacare for Energy Policy.
There is no choice created through government seizing power from local government authorities in a regional conglomerate, then harnessing power through alternative sources.
Despite the extravagant support from climate change activists, the large majority of stake holders in the City of Torrance, including working families and retirees, students and parents, are simply not informed about this proposal.

Mayor Furey, along with Councilmembers Heidi Ashcraft and Mike Griffiths, had nothing more to add on this subject.

Furey affirmed that the city has taken no further action on CCA, but are looking at how the program develops in Hawthorne and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

The latter two constituencies are more liberal, or at least more Democratic. Hawthorne's business elements are developing more rapidly and securely. A lengthy beautification process is also expanding the area. With the newly created Wiseburn Unified School District, property values are rising in the western part of the city, too.

Why Hawthorne would pursue the costly CCA program is unclear. As for  LA County BOS, that body has revealed some liberal trends lately, toward expanding government funding of health insurance to illegal aliens. Their interest in CCA should come as no surprise

Los Angeles area residents should be concerned, nonetheless, and keep friends and neighbors informed, along with informing their representatives about the consequences of this program, and why they should reject further time and resources toward its study and development.

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