This is not good parenting.

This is not the way to ensure the best for one's children. If they are struggling with same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria, the answer is not to celebrate and normalize it.

PUBLISHED: September 27, 2018 at 3:39 pm | UPDATED:
September 27, 2018 at 5:21 pm
Manhattan Beach resident Linda Reeves was at the dinner
table when she heard the news.
It was 2006, and her son, who is now 25, was being “bullied,
taunted and teased” while attending Manhattan Beach Middle School.
“He said: I was at this party and my friend outed me,”
Reeves quoted her son as saying. “He was really upset. He said, ‘She told
everybody I was gay.’”

That is not OK. Yet the fundamental lie must be confronted. We are not defined by sexual feelings or premises. Simple as that.
Reeves took a sip of wine and asked: “So she told everybody
you were gay. … So you’re gay? And he said ‘yeah.’”
Reeves wasn’t concerned about her son’s sexuality, but by
how devastated he was about his friends abandoning him. She didn’t know how to
help him, Reeves said — and there was no one, at the time, to help her. There
were no parental support groups in the South Bay.
But that’s about to change.
Reeves, along with two other mothers of gay children — Cindy
Byrne and Tina Sarafa — will soon launch the first Manhattan Beach and South
Bay chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, also known as PFLAG.
The organization has more than 200 chapters nationwide and is meant to “build a
culture of inclusiveness, engagement and equality” for the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender community and its allies. The new South Bay chapter will
have its first meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 2.

Oh brother. I am so tired of parents being bullied themselves into thinking that the best thing they can do for their children is to accommodate a lie. Why are children becoming gay? This doesn't make sense. 
“By providing a PFLAG chapter that supports families and
helps them be the support they need to be for their kids,” Byrne said, “we will
literally be saving lives and improving the emotional well being of all of our
LGBTQ kids.”

Sarafa has been interested in social work since she and her
mother became good friends with two gay men who were active volunteers in the
gay community, helping those during the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

There is an epidemice precisely because homosexuality invites a number of high-risk behaviors. This is not good. This is not wise. No parent should encourage this behavior with their children. All of this is patently unacceptable.
So when her 20-year-old son came out, it wasn’t an issue for
“Lots of people have a more difficult struggle having a gay
child; for me it was actually very easy,” Sarafa said. “He’s my son. I’m wildly
crazy, madly in love with him. He’s a great kid.”

Why MassResistance fights the core of this argument so hard? Because it's the fundamental lie which perpetuates and enables all these other lies and misunderstandings.
But when her son did come out, Sarafa also took to the
streets, marching in gay pride parades and carrying signs that said such things
as “Love My Son.”

Oh brother. No, it isn't love.
She received appreciation for doing so.
“I can’t tell you,” Sarafa said, “how many transgender adults
or gays and lesbians walked up to us saying ‘Thank you so much for marching. I
wish my mom would have done that.’”
Byrne, meanwhile, had some things to learn when her son came
out as transgender two years ago, at age 16.

She needed to “get informed and educated and needed to come
to terms with what that meant,” Byrne said.

What does "transgender" mean? It means "mentally ill." Boys should be happy about being boys, and girls should be at peace that they are girls. There is nothing that needs to change, and there is no call or justification for trying to change one's body or sex with hormones or surgeries. All of this, all of it–is LIES!

With Sarafa, she attended a seminar at El Segundo’s Vistamar
School, which was primarily for educators, on how they can support LGBT
“It was a crash course in a day,” Byrne said.
The pair then started a support group called “Mama Bears.”
“We shared fears and thoughts and ideas and experiences with
each other,” Byrne said. “We laughed and we cried and gave each other advice
and ideas and that was the beginning. We said ‘Everybody needs to have this in
their local community.’”
Coming together
Reeves, when her son came out as gay, was looking for ways
to further help her son and those in the LGBT community.
She even tried creating a South Bay PFLAG chapter in 2014 —
but couldn’t gain enough support.

What changed all of this? The arrival of Donald Trump on the scene?
Around that time, Reeves went through a divorce and decided
to go back to school. She earned her master’s degree and became a licensed
marriage and family therapist. Her specialty was in LGBT issues.

This is criminal. It needs to be stopped, confronted in full.
“Once I learned more about the lived experience of a gay,
bisexual, transgender and non-binary person, I realized that the culture was
the culprit in all of the oppression that this population experiences,” Reeves
said. “I became this activist. I wasn’t raised that way. I had no idea that was
even inside of me.”

"The culture is the culprit." Really? There would not be a culture without moms and dads, without a firm respect for natural marriage, for clear respect for male and female.

This is lunacy.

Byrne, Sarafa and Reeves eventually connected — and their
PFLAG chapter was born.
Multiple South Bay organizations have stepped in to join the
chapter’s leadership team. Those groups include: the Beach Cities Health
District, South Bay LGBTQ Center, South Bay Cares, South Bay Families
Connected, Manhattan Beach Community Church and local therapists.

The Beach Cities Health District is in on this craziness, too? When does the political correctness stop? We can do better as a community and as a society. We need to stand firm for the truth and report what is right, true, and accurate.
The new PFLAG chapter currently has a board of directors, but
is also looking for members for an advisory board. The chapter will soon become
a nonprofit so it can seek donations.

Who would donate to this? They don't need money, they need reality.
The meetings, meanwhile, are intended to provide parents
with a safe and welcoming space.

Homosexuality is not a welcoming lifestyle. It kills!
Participants will gather in small groups where they can
discuss their respective journeys in a confidential setting. While each meeting
will have a facilitator — currently they have 20 trained for that task — it is
the families themselves that really provide the support to other families.
“Love and acceptance for your child,” Sarafa said, “is the
greatest gift you can give them whether they are gay or straight.”

Love the child, hate the homosexuality. I doubt that the parents would embrace their children's drug addiction if they were hooked on meth.

Final Reflection

The two major arguments of the LGBT Movement fall on these two sentences:

1. "I was born this way."
2. "It's all about love."

First of all, no–people are not born gay, nor are they born in the wrong body, and thus in need of switching their gender.

Second, it's not love to lie to people and to teach them to embrace behaviors which will cut their lifespan short.

Enough is enough. It's time to stand for truth.

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