The social media giants are finally feeling major push-back from the David-like social media users all over the world.

Did they really think that they could get away with siphoning off and misusing people's private data?

This is beyond outrageous. Still, social media presents a two-edged sword of sorts. Conservatives want to get their message out, and yet the new platforms, like Gab and Minds do not have the widest reach yet. What should we do?

One thing is clear for me, though — I can't use Facebook anymore, since they disabled my accounts completely. Other conservative activists have enjoyed more success pushing back against the Big Tech tyranny. Individual users like me, however, don't have the time or the tech following to fight endlessly against Facebook and its 1984-like censorship squad.

The uprising against Big Tech bullying is having some influence, I suppose.

Let's hope that other platforms promote real discussion, and not just among conservatives, nationalists, and other pro-right, anti-globalist forces.

Here's what Twitter was forced to do in light of Congressional oversight hearings:

Updates to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

We believe you should always know what data we collect from you and how we use it, and that you should have meaningful control over both. As part of our ongoing commitment to transparency, and in preparation for new data protection laws that take effect next month, we’re updating our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to empower you to make the best decisions about the information that you share with us. 
These updates will take effect on May 25, 2018. By using our services on or after that date, you’ll be agreeing to these revisions. You should read the documents in full, but the key updates in our Privacy Policy include:
  • More focus on the controls we offer you over your personal data;
  • More focus on how Twitter shares your public data broadly and instantly, including through our developer tools;
  • More transparency and control over how we share your data with business partners; and
  • More clarity about how we share your data to prevent harm, comply with law, serve the public interest, and keep Twitter safe and welcoming for everyone.
We’ve also updated our Terms of Service so that we have one set of terms for both Twitter and Periscope, and to clarify that you must have rights to the content you share on our services.
Remember, you can use the controls we highlight in our updated policy to limit the information we collect about you or how we use it. You can also choose to deactivate your Twitter account. You have the final say about whether and how we process your personal data. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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Notice a tinge of arrogance from the Twitter team: "You can choose to deactivate your account."
I just might do that, as have millions of people, who are disengaging from Facebook already.
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