We the People have won the first round against the pro-illegal alien activists, Big Business, and the Open Borders Lobby in Congress. As much as they tried, they could not induce Democrats to force a government shut-down to get a DREAM Act amendment onto the Continuing Resolution package passed at the end of December 2017.

The fight is real, however, and the DACA demands have not abated. Amnesty is still lingering in the halls of Congress, and unless our representatives hear loudly and clearly from American citizens, they will go along with the guilt-tripping media, along with the pressures and demands of Big Business, Big Labor, and Big La Raza.
We need to double down on every single pro-DACA Republican in the House of Representatives to make sure that there are no DACA deals, no DACA "fix", no amnesty of any kind. The federal government has a responsibility to protect the life and liberty of American citizens, not illegal aliens.
Here are some crucial facts to share with office staffers and fellow citizens:
Some reports have suggested that as many as 50% of the DACA recipients received those permits through fraudulent or distorted means. Many of these young illegals are not really young, but their average age is in the mid-20s. Any talk about ending chain migration as part of any DACA deal will not work, since illegals granted legal status can start filing lawsuits or upon receiving full naturalization, can start sponsoring their family members, both immediate and extended, along with distant relatives. The demands for more amnesty will never stop.
Remember the looming tide of young illegals who crowded the southern border of the United States in 2014? All of these illegals were inspired to rush the border because elected officials in Washington DC and advertisements throughout Latin America were informing these "youth" (since many of them happen to be adults, in fact).
The cost to incorporate, integrate, and provide for 800,000 illegals is toward the tens of billions alone. The long-term cost to our country's health, well-being, quality of life, public safety is too great to allow any more amnesties. At this point, American leaders and lawmakers need to put Americans First.
No DACA, Build The Wall, or No Deal at All! @Townhallcom http://bit.ly/BuildWallOnly
#NoDACA #NoAmnesty #NoOpenBorders
Here are the Twitter handles for the 34 Pro-DACA House Republicans:
Rep. Scott Taylor (VA-2): @Scotttaylorva @RepScottTaylor
Rep. Dan Newhouse (WA-4): @RepNewhouse
Rep. Mia Love (UT-4): @RepMiaLove @MiaBLove
Rep. Mark Amodei (NV-2): @MarkAmodeiNV2 @AmodeiForNevada
Rep. David Valadao (CA-21): @RepDavidValadao @dgvaladao
Rep. Dave Reichert (WA-8): @davereichert
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8): @RepBrianFitz @BrianFitzUSA
Rep. Mike Coffman (CO-6): @RepMikeCoffman @coffmanforco
Rep. Charles Dent (PA-15): @RepCharlieDent @DentforCongress
Rep. Frank LoBiando (NJ-2): @RepLoBiondo
Rep. Peter King (NY-2): @RepPeteKing
Rep. Carlos Curbelo (FL-26): @RepCurbelo @carloslcurbelo
Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27): @RosLehtinen
Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-6): @RepRyanCostello @RyanACostello
Rep. Fred Upton (MI-6): @RepFredUpton
Rep. Jeff Denham (CA-10): @RepJeffDenham @JeffDenham
Rep. Rodney Davis (IL-13): @RodneyDavis @ElectRodney
Rep. John Faso (NY-19): @RepJohnFaso @JohnFasoNy
Rep. John Katko (NY-24): @RepJohnKatko
Rep. Chris Stewart (UT-2): @StewartforUtah @RepChrisStewart
Rep. Susan Brooks (IN-5): @SusanWBrooks @SusanBrooksIN
Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL-16): @RepKinzinger @AdamKinzinger
Rep. Glenn T. Thompson (PA-5): @CongressmanGT
Rep. Mike Simpson (ID-2): @CongMikeSimpson @MikeSimpson4ID
Rep. Mimi Walters (CA-45): @RepMimiWalters @MimiWaltersCA
Rep. Leonard Lance (NJ-7): @RepLanceNJ7 @LeonardLanceNJ7
Rep. Pat Meehan (PA-7): @RepMeehan @PatMeehanPA
Rep. Elise Stefanik (NY-21): @RepStefanik @EliseStefanik
Rep. Tom McArthur (NJ-3): @RepTomMacArthur @tmac4congress
Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-4): @RepChrisSmith
Rep. Jennifer Gonzales-Colon (PR): @RepJenniffer
Rep. Joe Barton (TX-6): @RepJoeBarton
Rep. Will Hurd (TX-23): @HurdOnTheHill @WillHurd
Rep. Bruce Poloquin (ME-2): @RepPoliquin @BrucePoliquin 
Real American Dreamers
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