Sharp divisions have emerged among some Trump supporters.

There were the men and women who fought at the Battle of Berkeley in Mid-April. Then there have emerged sharp disagreements regarding the value and fate of Israel. I am shocked at some of the hostility from certain people calling themselves conservatives, who believe that Israel should not exist.

There are some supposed conservatives who also believe that the Jews control the media. These are racist canards which have nothing to do with MAGA conservatism. Did anyone of these anti-Israel detractors notice that President Trump has formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State?

Internicine fights have emerged between different Trump supporters not just over which candidates to support in state or local elections. Personal tiffs have emerged into the public, much of it because adults insist on airing the personal grievances with people on social media.

This kind of behavior is fully immature and must be confronted.

There are people like Gay Cuck Spartan who jumped onto the Trump Train because they believed they could get some money or celebrity mileage out of ostentatious display.

What is causing much of this heart-ache and division? AL Werewolf mentioned the pride which agitates different Trump supporters to fight, and that's accepting the premise that some purported Trump supporters really care about the pro-American, Make America Great Agenda.

Johnny Benitez has been outed as a media-hound leftist by OC Weekly. The OCGOP has distanced itself from him because of his alt-right, in reality left-wing views. Other sources have indicated that Benitez is throwing a fit and starting fights with people because his "leadership" is under attack from other activists like me, Kyle Chapman, or anyone else.

And now I come to the premise for these fights: all this talk about commitment to a "movement". That kind of talk means nothing. What is "the movement"? The phrase alone implies following or jumping into some kind of fad.

For the Trump agenda to succeed, people in the fight to outline the goals they want to accomplish.

Do you want to make colleges great again, i.e. getting college-age students to stop drinking in communism as the big win for all? Then that's the fight you want to fight. Are you interested in educating voters on who Trump really is, rather than what the corrupt media, entertainment, and academic industries claim that he is? Then fight that fight.

Are you upset with illegal immigration? The attacks on free speech? What about the Second Amedment? The destructive assault on Judeo-Christian values in our country? Find that issue and fight for it, focus on making that a salient concern and start shifting the culture where you are–local, county, and statewide–to make a difference on that issue.

All this talk about "The Movement" is not defining a clear set of goals and focused outcomes. When people focus on accomplishing goals, not seeking their own pre-eminence, there is less conflict and more cooperation. I think part of the reason there are fights is that people are looking for an easy, fun time to show up to public events and showcase their support. Then they deal with people they do not like on their side of the street as well as on the opposite side. People are also getting caught up in which group they belong to, rather than focusing on the concerns they want to fight for.

We the People Rising focuses on
one issue: immigration

Get over the labels. Establish the goals or the ideas that you want to promote, and get out there and do it!

Public appearances are all about making sure that the "Trump" side of the debate is heard, not just the pro-illegals, the progressives, the media Left, etc. This is a big issue, especially since the corrupt, self-limiting media have not stopped shaming and slamming the conservative policies which are taking off in this country. Why else does the polling show dissatisfaction with the tax cuts?

This is about more than some amorphous movement. This is about fighting for everything that has made America great, and which needs to be promoted so that American can be great again!

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