The anti-Semites and the anti-Zionists have found more means to come out and put out their views. Freedom of Speech does not scare me, however, and different social media platforms permit them to share their noxious views under the protection of anonymity.

Yet in spite of the rabid Jew-hatred, whether from Islamic hordes flexing their political muscle through mass migration and cultural jihad, or from alt-right (in truth, another left-wing) activists intent on restoring a "white culture", the state of Israel and Jewish communities are witnessing manifold blessings.

Israel is the breadbasket for Europe, and covertly the country provides water, food, and technological prowess to countries all over the world. President Trump has played another winning trump card by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. At first, I was upset, because it seemed to me that Trump was dragging his feet on reassigning the United States embassy to Jerusalem. However, as long as ISIS remained a lethal, potent force in the Middle East, that maneuver would have been unwise, upsetting the already tenuous peace in the region.

Now that Trump has officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, the hateful Arab dictatorships are up in arms about the move. Why does that one country not have a right for other nation-states to recognize its capital as … its capital?

The United Nations then proved what a hateful, corrupt regime it turned out to be. The vast majority of member states condemned the United States' decision. In response, Nikki Haley and the President cut $200 million from the UN budget. What a winning action, but not nearly enough.

How about cutting all the money and expelling the entire UN delegation and apparatus off American shores?

Trump's decision has roiled the same usual suspects of Palestinian terrorists, activists, and left-wing academics. Guess what? Who cares! And now, Israel is planning a train station in Jerusalem which will be named after President Trump!

What an incredible victory for the President, for Israel, and for the country. I am so happy that we have a solid supporter of the Jewish State in the White House. Benjamin Netanyahu is a strong, stable ally of our country and for the entire world. Even while the UN Security Council claimed that Israel had no right to expand settlements into East Jerusalem and the West Bank

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