Trayvon Martin is not a symbol. He is a victim of a greater
problem – a society awash in moral and identity relativism, where man and women
have lost jobs,  money, hopes, and
dreams,  and now they are looking for a
cause, a person, to make their life worth something.

The death of Trayvon Martin is a startling trend, one which
serves as the podium for a nation’s frustration with powerful over the
powerless. But this case involves a adolescent who was gunned down, and because
the story has not been resolved, the press has garbled up the narrative so severely,
a court must adjudicate the facts of the case. If Michael Zimmerman used
excessive force, then he must be punished, but not in the court of public

Travyon Martin deserve this – so do the rest of us. We
cannot rage against power with miscreant behavior and outrage. We cannot rage
against the system then demand justice from the same system at the same time.
We must reconcile ourselves to a fallen world with fallen people, but we are
not victims, if we choose to believe in the Victim who took our pain, our
shame, or infamy.
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