
Prop 13 is in trouble — and I need your help to save it!

My liberal opponent Antonio Villaraigosa was recently caught saying "Prop. 13 is broken" and he wants to "fix" it.

I need to beat Villaraigosa in the Primary and make it to the November runoff in order to stop Democrats from eliminating this taxpayer protection and raising your taxes even more.

Will you chip in $25 or more right now to help me save Prop. 13?

  SAVE PROP 13  

Fighting for taxpayers has been among my very top priorities since I was first elected to the State Assembly.

And now, for the 5th straight year, I have received an "A" rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association — this year with a perfect score of 100%.

I am the only candidate for Governor of California to receive a "A" rating from the HJTA, and the only one who will fight to lower your taxes.

But I need your help now if we're going to win this fight.

Just this year alone, Democrats have proposed nearly $375 billion in new taxes, including the $52 billion gas tax. And now they want to take away Prop. 13!

  SAVE PROP 13  

I need your help to save Prop. 13 and roll back the billions in tax increases the Democrats have forced on us.

Send a strong message to Democrats now that you won't allow them to tax you into poverty!

Stand with me and chip in $25, $50, $100 or even more to help me save Prop. 13 and stop the Democrats from raising your taxes.

Thank you for your support!

Assemblyman Travis Allen

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