San Diegans for Secure Borders has endorsed Travis Allen for Governor along with San Diego Patriots and San Diego County for Trump.  Don’t be fooled by fake California Establishment news, Allen is the overwhelming choice of grassroots patriots and conservatives statewide.  Chicago Cox is supported by the RINO Establishment. 

Check out:  
For the 90+ % of our subscribers who support Allen for Governor, join us Sunday for a big blow out Travis Allen border rally!  There will be live music and special guest speakers including Don Dix (AM 590) and Agnes Gibboney (Angel Mom).
From:  Travis Allen
Sent:  Thursday, May 24, 2018 12:05 PM
Subject:  PRESS RELEASE:  Big Border Rally Sunday, 1pm with Travis Allen.  San Diego (Otay Mesa)

Contact: Angela Toft
(626) 710-0695
CA Governor Candidate Travis Allen to Rally Supporters
at Border to Take Back California!
SACRAMENTO – California citizens from across the state will be joining California Governor candidate Travis Allen at the San Diego border for his Border Rally to “Take Back California” on Sunday, May 27th at 1pm.
As the original leader of the effort to defund Sanctuary cities across California with his 2017 legislation AB 1252, Allen has been on the forefront of the fight against Jerry Brown’s unconstitutional Sanctuary State and California Democrats’ open border policies.
In January of this year, Allen called on national news for President Trump and Attorney General Sessions to come to California and sue the state over the illegal Sanctuary State policy. Sessions came in March and announced the lawsuit.
In March, the city of Los Alamitos in Allen’s Assembly District was the first city to opt out of the illegal Sanctuary State which ignited a statewide movement of cities, counties, and sheriffs to fight back against the dangerous law.
Since March, Allen has gathered over 35,000 signatures from 300 cities across California from citizens that want their cities to opt out of Sanctuary State policies.
Allen has consistently taken the lead on issues that matter most to Californians, from the Repeal of the Gas Tax to Reversing the Illegal Sanctuary State and enforcing Federal immigration law.
“It’s time that we fight back. Californians have been pushed too far by Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, and the liberal Bay Area Democrats. Democrat control has resulted in the nation’s highest poverty rate, highest homelessness, rising violent crime, and now open borders and the illegal Sanctuary State. California’s citizens have been silent for too long, and we will be silent no longer. It’s time we TAKE BACK CALIFORNIA.”
For more information about the border rally, click here.
Jeff Schwilk
Founder, San Diegans for Secure Borders
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