On September 22, at the Katy
Geissert Civic Center Library in Torrance, CA Republican candidate for the 43rd
Congressional District John Wood Jr. hosted a town hall meeting in along with Republican Elan
Carr, who is campaigning to replace retiring Congressman Henry Waxman in the 33rd
Congressional District.

Elan Carr
Originally, a report from the Los
Angeles Register
was going to moderate the event, but because of a
last-minute engagement, according to one of Carr's campaign supporters, another
moderator replaced him at the last minute: Evan Chase, President of the Beach
Cities Republican Club.
Chase honored both candidates,
reciting their resumes and records, professional and political. First her
discussed Carr's work as an officer, and a prosecutor (both as a judge advocate
general and a deputy district attorney), the he talked about Wood's resume as a
musician and medical technician.
Following Chase's introductions, the
two candidates warmly praised the BCR President's efforts with inner city
communities, including small businesses. Then Carr gave his opening remarks,
focusing on bipartisanship, getting things down, ending the gridlock in Washington.
Throughout the town hall, the two candidates spent little time attacking
President Obama or his policies.
John Wood
Carr launched into his key theme,
education which he also stressed during the debate hosted by the Young
Turks. As a gang prosecutor, he put kids behind bars for years, sometimes
longer than they had been alive, for the atrocious crimes they had committed.
Those young lives could have amounted to more than a prison statistic, in his
opinion, as he shared his sympathies with students versus the poor quality of
public education, and the pathologies enabled by this failure.
About jobs, Carr pointed out that
automotive, defense, and Hollywood employment was leaving the state. Franchise
costs are ten times greater in California compared to other states.
After Carr spoke, John Wood
elaborated on his career background, including his engagements with political
fundraisers. About his reasons for running for Congress, Wood shared his desire
to elevate the political discourse. Then he claimed: "This is what God
called me to do."
Wood spent a great deal of his
opening remarks detailing how his upbringing shaped him to see both sides of a
conflict, and to embrace both sides of the political divide, like two
squabbling parents.
After the introductions Chase asked
the two candidates how they would appeal to Torrance voters, and why they
should care about their Congressional representation. Wood argued that Torrance
weathered the Great Recession better than other cities, and because of its
constant success, cities like Torrance will have to bear the greater burden of
California's tax bills. Wood further pointed out that the stagnation taking
hold in many cities could hit Torrance next. Already, Toyota has announced its
departure, ending in 2016, and taking in its departure 4, 200 jobs. This loss
will impact the city of Torrance as well as the wealthier Westside regions of
Los Angeles County.
The next question centered on the
national economy: has it recovered?
Wood responded that the recession
officially ended in 2009, but the current figures which suggest a declining
unemployment rate mask the darker figure of underemployment, as well as those
who have given up looking for work altogether (and/or have run out of
unemployment benefits).
Toyota Sales Headquarters (Torrance, CA)

Pushing away from outright criticism
of the President, Wood added that the spending increased considerable in the
last six years because of the rising number of retirees (10,000 a day).

Carr responded that the country
could be doing a lot better, and then hit the well-known talking points about
taxes and regulations hurting the state of California. After their responses, I
mentioned one influential reason for the stagnant recovery: Obamacare, an issue
which the two candidates had not  mentioned. Another member of the
audience brought up the fact that the law was forcing workers into part-time
Pacific Railroad Bridge (Torrance, CA)

Staying away from strong partisan
positions on this unpopular and polarizing law,  Carr stated clearly that
the law was not working. Doctors were losing their practices or rejecting
insurance for direct cash payments. Regarding federal solutions, Carr suggested
tort reform, and allowing individuals to purchase health insurance across state
lines was one reform he champions. Sporting bipartisan credentials, Carr acknowledged
that he liked portions of the law, like permitting young people to stay on
their parents' plans.

Wood treaded lightly on Obamacare,
as well, not calling for an all-out repeal but working as best as one could
with the opposition in Congress to fix the law.
The next questions touched on
education. Carr spoke confidently on this topic, since he has campaigned on
this issue from the beginning. He scored some points by tying education reform
with public safety, since more kids who graduate and get a job are less likely
to join gangs, commit crimes, and go to jail.
As far as federal reforms are
concerned, Carr discussed improving the benchmarks for evaluating federal
appropriations. Wood and Carr supported reforming the tenure system with merit
pay, while Wood recognized the former positive contributions of the teachers
unions who had enacted tenure.
One of the candidates stated that
education could not be run from DC. One member of the audience, who had arrived
later, asked about the candidates' proposals for assisting individuals who were
already educated. Carr swiftly responded with a repeat of his plea for
after-school and job-training programs along with improvements in k-12 public
 The final question of the town
hall meeting touched on the ongoing threat of ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Carr
reminded the audience that President Bush had established strong coalitions
with Sunnis in the region, who fought against Sunni terrorists. He then faulted
the President for abandoning the region. Wood responded that he had first
engaged in politics because of his opposition to the war in Iraq. While
recognizing the severity of the current situation in the Middle East, the same
question lingers for Wood, which centers on how far will the United States have
to go to maintain any reasonable calm in the area?
Despite the low turnout for the
Torrance Town Hall, the two candidates and individuals from the audience took
the time to discuss key issues reflecting on the state of the country (as well
as the state) and the necessary reforms that the two Republicans would support
if elected to Congress this November.


Torrance Beach



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