10 reasons why I would never vote for Johnson: 

1. He is not a real libertarian (see below), but also because of his prior record as a Republican governor of New Mexico.

2. He supports Obama's Executive Amnesty 

3. He is pro-abortion

4. Pro-homosexual marriage

5. He would force private business owners to violate their conscience (Christian baker must bake gay wedding cake, etc)

6. He chose William Weld–liberal RINO former Massachusetts Governor–as his running mate. Really.

7. He already ran for President. Do we really need a do-over third-party candidate? 

8. He called Donald Trump a "pussy", yet cannot say it to the media mogul's face.

9. He did nothing to build the Republican brand or further the libertarian-conservative cause in New Mexico during and after his tenure

10. He doesn't have a a food stamp's chance in South LA of winning.

(11. Added bonus: he won't build a wall.)

Thank you, and have a great day.

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