Congressman Todd Akin made one mistake in an interview with

the JACO Report.
Instead of "legitimate rape", he should have said "forcible
rape", or "a baby's a baby no matter how he or she was

statement was not immoral or immaterial, necessarily, because he was speaking
up for the unborn. Akin was promoting a policy of optimizing life, and he
wanted to go to Washington D.C. to make sure that the federal government did
not suck the life out of the states and the rest of the country. His faux-pas signaled the
drastic overhaul which Republican leaders need to enact. First, they need to
establish deeper grass-roots connections with voters and local leaders, not
just with "TEA Party" affiliates, but with businesses, with food
banks, and with city leaders. The Republican Party has a populist beat, one
which must return to the forefront, as opposed to the elite-effete brain-trust
of Washington, "Pro-Big Business" insiders.

his defense, it's too bad that Congressman Akin did not share this telling
remark from one of the national media's less stellar lights: Whoopi Goldberg,
one of the talk-show hosts on the New York based morning show "The

know that it wasn't


was Whoopi talking about? Polish Director Roman Polanski, who drugged and
raped (yes, raped!)
a young girl, then fled to France in order to avoid extradition for his crime.
Goldberg was defending a man who had abused a minor. Todd Akin was defending
the unborn and demanding punishment for the rapist. When are news outlets
representing the American Broadcasting Corporation going to meet with fired up
protestors who demand Whoopi Goldberg's resignation? When will the leaders in
the White House and around the country demand an apology or at least a
retraction from this host?

Other unsightly comments
from media and Hollywood elites should make the mainstream media blush for
shame in indicting Congressman Akin for one comment. In another episode,
"The View" blanketed their back blue-screen with racist and sexual
explicit epithets between rapper Chris Brown and small-time Comedian Jenny
Johnson, with nothing but smarmy laughter from the hosts and shocking gasps
from the audience. That such drivel is even tolerate on television from
national media outlets, all of which comment on political as well as cultural
issues, should cause parents to boycott the very products endorsed by this

the Democratic leaders in Congress, there are numerous scandals of an intimate
and illicit nature. Congressman
Gary Studs of
Massachusetts, who had an illicit affair with one of his under-age male pages.
At least when Republican leaders dishonor themselves in their private lives,
their Republican colleagues demand that they step down. Then there was
Anthony Weiner

New York. In the second instance, investigative reporting hit back hard
enough to force Weiner to resign from office, even though the Democratic Caucus
in the House "stood by their man." Eventually, Weiner went from
office, his departure forced a special election, and a pro-Israel conservative
Republican replaced him in Congress.

can forget "

I didn't do that to that
second-term President
Bill Clinton

he admitted
that he did indeed have an inappropriate relationship with a White House
intern. He was impeached and tried in the United States Senate. He avoided
conviction and removal from office based mostly on strict party lines.
President Bush pardoned him, incidentally enough, and he paid a huge fine and
was disbarred from the Arkansas Bar Association. Clinton lied to the American
people and a grand jury, and he got a "slap on the wrist" from the
judicial system, but a "pat on the head" from the
"Mainstream" Media.

this day, no one has held the "mainstream" media accountable for these
horrid comments and moral interpitudes. This double-standard has to stop. I do
not share Todd Akin's pro-life views to the extent that he share, but that his
comments were taken so widely out of context and then construed to characterize
him as misogynist, a "hick", or a creep just defies the

onto the pressing financial matter, the "rape" of this nation's
fiscal future. First, there is Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, who more
likely coasted to reelection in part because of Republican Presidential
candidate Mitt Romney's lack-luster national campaign, one which depressed the
Republican vote by three million. She had a 90% voting record with her party,
supporting the abortive 2009 stimulus and Obamacare legislation. Yes, she
wanted a moratorium on earmarks; yes, she claims a more centrist record
compared to her Senator colleagues. Yet Obamacare took $716 billion from
Medicare, and now she returns to Washington to "stand by her party"
in the US Senate, where the leadership have not passed a budget in four years,
while the Republicans in the House passed two budgets in the past year. Let's
not forget Senate Minority Mitch McConnell who bridged the gridlock gap by
reaching out to Vice President Joseph Biden at the last minute, since the
President in an immature coup refused to deal on debt and deficit reduction.

fiscal crises which stall any growth and stop the government from paying its
bills from month to month are depriving our present voters and stealing from
future generations. This debt will engage future Americans to be indentured
servants to an indebted government. Todd Akin defended the unborn, both in the
womb and from national debt; the "Mainstream Media" mocked him for
one statement. McCaskill has done nothing to stop Washington's
"illegitimate rape" of our nation's fiscal future, and the
"Mainstream" media has joined her in looking away.

is more than "rape-rape", this fiscal problem is real, and the
citizens of Missouri should demand that their Senator defend the unborn not
just from immoral abortions, but from an amoral federal government which spend
tomorrow's future on today's bills.

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