Two years in a row, I have
been invited to the American Freedom Alliance dinner in Los Angeles. This
celebratory event recognizes men and women who have fought for the furtherance
and survival of Western Civilization. Individual worth and local sovereignty,
the pursuit of truth as paramount instead of power, and the respect for the
Divine Creater and His objective justice: these values animate the life and
worth of the entire world, and the manifold blessings of Western Civilization.
This year as well as
last year, Larry Elder, the conservative radio host from KABC, hosted both
events. His work to expand a respect for liberty and truth, at the expense of
despotism and deception, influenced my understanding of free markets and free
enterprise, spiritual authority working in 
or temporal settings.
Essayist and comedian Evan
Sayet served as the Master of Ceremonies the second time.
I loved attending both
Avi Davis, the founder of
the American Freedom Alliance, was alive in 2015.
We commemorated his work
this year, since he passed away so suddenly, so sadly.
Two well-connected
conservatives had invited me to both events, to meet the allies, friends, and even
the family members of that great man.
Both times, incredible
conservatives were honored for their work defending Western Civilization.
Academics who stood up to government collusion in the sciences. Journalists who
challenged the lies of the status quo. Economists and social scientists who
debunked the progressive myths of our modern area—all were welcomed with great
I met some of them
outside of that event, and learned about their fights against oppressive
regimes and a suspect media working to suppress the truth. A lot of information
passes from media to man, and back and forth. Some of the well-educated
speakers feared the worst for Europe.
"It's too
late," one of the speakers grimly determined.
I cannot agree with
that. However, if men and women choose to content themselves with the slow
demise of the world around them, then indeed Europe is lost, and so is America.
For the two times that I
attended, I found a great deal to be happy about, notwithstanding the dour
state of our world and the warring nations within.
Freedom fighters are
winning. They embrace the divine love and truth of God.
Many Jewish people were
present both times. I respect the traditions and values of our Judeo-Christian
culture, and the Orthodox Jews in attendance reminded me to retain a grave
reverence for the Jewish people and the values which they have affirmed in our
And yet, we need more
than a set of standards. We need the power to allow them into our lives. We
need more than the law. We need the grace, the loving, unconditional favor of
I am not afraid to write
those words. We must not be afraid to speak those words. Reverend Jesse Lee
Peterson of South Los Angeles (a well-regarded contact and spokesman for the
American Freedom Alliance) reached out and rears boys to become men, even when
their fathers have left them, or when they never knew their fathers to begin with.
These efforts, these
alliances make all the difference. We cannot allow these victories to go
I also respected hearing
about the deeper rot afflicting our culture. A perverse desire to remove
distinctions has overtaken our leaders. Male and female should not mean anything.
Right and wrong have no merit. Should life and death become a nullity, too?
Conservative Jewish
columnist Dennis Prager recently wrote a thorough, probing article about the
Left's vicious ambitions, which proved this strange desire. The Left wants to
get rid of standards. The Left wants everything to have an equal end, or to
have the same status, just as Adam and Eve wanted to be like God, to have life
independent of the Creator, who later had to become their Redeemer.
These observations were
well-received. I ponder them still.
Discussion is good.
Celebration of all that makes Western Civilization wonderful, that is welcome.
But discussion is not
We need action.
We need to confront the
malefactors in our streets, in our city councils. As Jude wrote to the Church:
"We must contend earnestly for the faith."
The wicked forces at
work in our world will not be slayed with discussion. Their followers will
understand once they are taught the truth from the error, from the lie, from
the deception.
Those who thrive on the
lies, who disseminate the falsehoods to bless themselves: they must be stopped.
Are we agitating against
the corruption? Are we educating young people to care about the values of their
The discussion groups,
the seminars, the awards dinners will not save our culture.
To sit back and watch
everything fall apart is not enough.
How many more dinners
are people going to attend?
We need to raise
funds to help individuals fight and win the culture wars.
The key word–win.
Western Civilization
cannot die. It must win, or there is no civilization at all.

And we must fight–and
we can fight, will fight–to ensure this victory.
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