Things Your Children (They) Have a Good Chance of Learning This Year in The Government Schools

They Learn: God didn't create the world Not: Genesis 1

They Learn: History is not “ His story. “ Not: Genesis through Revelation

They Learn: Fornication is to be encouraged, as long as you do it “ safely.” Not: 1 Cor 6:9

They Learn: Abortion is a good way to fornacate without having to take care of the children you produced. Not: Proverbs 6:16

They Learn: Drugs are bad (school). Drugs are good (fellow students). Not: Revelation 21:8

 They Learn: Disrespect (Students) Not: 2Tim 3: 1-5, Ex 20, Eph 6:

 They Learn:  Promiscuity (Students). Not: Luke 17: 26-30
 They Learn: Reverse porn– the desire to be lusted after (female students). Not: 

They Learn: Humans are not made in God’s image. We evolved from apes and are equal in value to animals.

They Learn: How to feel uncomfortable socializing outside of one’s age group.

They Learn:  Immaturity (from being with other kids all day).

They Learn: Sports idolatry

They Learn: How to be an easy target for sexual abuse (away from home).

They Learn:  Education idolatry.

They Learn:  Gay/lesbian lifestyle modeling.

They Learn:  Feminism.

They Learn:  Potential confusion regarding personal gender “identity.”
They Learn:  Transgender (bodily mutilation) acceptance.

They Learn:  Gluttonous levels of sugar intake via school culture.

They Learn:  Sexual deviancy different from what is listed above and so grotesque it cannot be described here.

They Learn: That demanding home owners give up their money to provide for their own children … to pay for other people’s children's education, sports, and extracurriculars is a morally acceptable way of financing government indoctrination (socialized education).

They Learn: That it is acceptable to like and fornicate with a Boys & Girls.

They Learn: That it’s okay for boys to dress like girls and girls to dress like boys.

They Learn: God’s law — the standard of morality — is immoral (wrong) to discuss or display on school grounds.

They Learn:  Disobedience to parents (students).

They Learn: Gossip is a skill toward self-promotion up the peer ladder.

They Learn:  Disrespect of God-given authority.

They Learn: How to pledge faithful, robot-like allegiance every morning to a country that is anything but “under God.” (Lying)

They Learn:  Deceit.

They Learn: Immoderate and illegal use of alcohol is to be admired.

They Learn: Co-authority of school (government) and parents together over children — sometimes with the school (government) practicing ultimate authority.

They Learn:  Formal persecution of Christian teachers who verbally talk about their faith (rather than an unbiblical silent witness).

They Learn:  The Psalms One — violation “counsel of the wicked.”

They Learn:  Pop psychology.

They Learn: That school attendance is the ultimate “good” over parental protection of the child at home when there is ongoing bullying.

They Learn:  Materialism.

They Learn:  Cell phone idolatry.

They Learn: What porn is and how to access it privately.

They Learn: How to sext(ext)

They Learn: How to take cover during the near-guaranteed school shootings next year — because mass murderers know that schools are “gun- free zones,” easy targets due to the ratio of adults to children, and by and large unprepared for physical defense until the good guys and gals with guns arrive.


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