If you had any doubt about it, there should be no doubt in
your mind now.
The Mainstream media is biased. The Big Three, like a soft
and fluffy version of the Soviet Pravda, have propped up their little Barack
Obama and his shrewish successor Hillary “Hexes, Lies, and Emails on Tape”
The latest, most vicious example of this distortion?
President Obama’s tepid, non-existence response to the floods sweeping
Louisiana. 31 inches of rain fell in 15 hours, and that was a tally from one
week ago!
No, this is not a hurricane, nor is it climate change (sit
down, Bill Nye the Humanist Guy). This is Mother Nature running her ragged
Are these floods really that bad, though?
CNN, the Clinton
News Network
, could not spin the downward spiral of this disaster, “Louisiana
flood: Worst US disaster since Hurricane Sandy, Red Cross says”:
“Thousands of people in Louisiana have lost everything they
own and need our help now.”
13 people have died, and 7,000 more have fled to shelters.
No Obama until – Tuesday.
Where was the President? How about his entourage?
Donald Trump, the despised anti-Establishment Republican
candidate, showed up to help. Where’s Jeb? How about Lindsey Graham? What about
How about Hillary Clinton? Fundraising. How about Jill Stein
or Gary Johnson? Too busy trying to reach 15% in the polls for debates that
they will never participate in.
But again – Where is President Obama?
The media aren’t asking, and don’t care!
What a storm of a difference from eleven years ago.
I remember watching night after night as the marginalized
media smeared George W. Bush for his not-so immediate response to the
destruction waged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Maybe the media were giving Bush the full flush. After all,
he won re-election with more votes and more states than in 2000—popular as well
as electoral. He won over 44% of Hispanics, not by hispandering, but by
demonstrating a clear resolve to defend our nation’s borders from international
Yes, I know that Bush was excoriated like no one else for
his reckless spending, for undermining the wonders of a solid Republican
majority in the Congress.
But at least he kept us safe.
Last year, the ten year anniversary of the Katrina
catastrophe, the Times was still slamming Bush and his executive staff for
their terrible job. Check the
listings here if you do not believe me
In 2005, the media headlines were relentless against Bush:
When will we see this headline about Obama?
The New York Times
even smeared W.’s mother Barbara Bush:

Meaning “Better off as evacuees, without homes”?
What did she say?
What I'm hearing,
which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so
overwhelmed by the hospitality."

"And so many of
the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway," she
said, "so this is working very well for them."

They were better off in Texas, of course, away from the
destruction in Louisiana!
What has the New York
reported about Obama?

How about “Deliberate Attempt to Seem Compassionate, Playing
He was still on vacation! He was still playing golf!
the Washington Post?
How did they
respond to Obama’s aloof arrogance?”
[I]t speaks to Obama's
unique and long-lasting commitment to not playing by a core rule of modern politics:
making at least some decisions based on "how it looks" and/or
"how it will play."

No, it merely shows what an arrogant, selfish ass Obama is,
with neither principle nor compassion for the sufferings of others. We have
seen this sickening sitcom before. The Middle East is overrun with terrorists
because of his “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” foreign policy. “Let’s hit the Links”!
Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee go up in flames. “Fore!” Venezuela has bread
lines, Greece is going broke, Puerto Rico defaults on its debt: “Hole in One!”
Barack Obama, the Golfer in chief.
Yes, George W. Bush did a fly-over the Louisiana devastation
in 2005. He later got down and visited with the ravaged communities. Let’s not
forget that Bush called terror what it is, and stood with a destroyed Manhattan
community overwhelmed by the 9-11 jihad.
Of course, none of that would be enough for a bitter media
and Hollywood elite.
Who can forget the inimitably obtuse Kanye West, a gold
digger if there ever was one, declaring on national television: “President Bush
doesn’t care about black people.”
Fast forward 11 years, and the reading public is still
asking: “Does President Obama care about black people?”
Former State Senator Elbert Guillory denounced the
President’s absence.
Breitbart News reports (the only news source that bothered to
It’s difficult to
understand why he could not break from his vacation and his golfing and come to
Guillory refused to stop there:
Under [Obama’s]
administration he bailed out the banks, he bailed out Wall Street, but Black
unemployment is the highest it has been since the Great Depression,” he said.

“More than 60 per cent
of our students, sometimes as many as 90 in urban areas, cannot read and write
at grade level.”

If President Obama has done right by the black community, why
would a Marxist thugocracy like Black Likes Matter have to erupt on the streets
of Ferguson, Washington DC, and Los Angeles?
How can we explain the riots of Baltimore, where every
authority and featured figure was black, a Democrat, or both? If President
Obama has done a good job for black folks, why?
It’s because he hasn’t.
After eight years, it’s clear that President Obama does not
care about black people. He cares about transforming this country. He wants to
destroy political opposition with Alinsky-ite flair.
Let’s state what the media won’t: President Obama doesn’t
care about black people.

But let’s not be so biased. He doesn’t care about anyone at
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