Lots of kind-of, sort-of cult classics hit the American movie theaters in the late 1980's and the early 1990's.

Two of those movies included:

Weekend at Bernie's


Thelma and Louise

For months (if not years), Susan Sarandon, who starred in Thelma and Louise, is endorsing Bernie Sanders for President.

Here is her pitch and plea right before the Iowa caucuses for ultra-liberal members to vote for Bernie.

MoveOn member,
for a political revolution?

Yes. That's why I support Ted Cruz for President.
less than 36 hours away from the Iowa caucuses, and I'm just back from being on
the road with Bernie Sanders.
The Iowa
ground is rumbling. The air is crackling. And the roar of the crowds just keeps
getting louder.
campaign is our hope revolution. This is what our vibrant democracy looks like.
And if everyone who believes in Bernie's vision chips in right now, we could
make history.
Will you
join me and chip in $10 to support the Bernie Sanders campaign and MoveOn's
efforts supporting him?

I would rather drive my car off a cliff.
here to chip in.
movement gains momentum every single day—and has been given a huge boost by the
volunteer and financial support of MoveOn members. I'm very grateful for the
passion and dedication to Bernie's campaign that MoveOn members have already
shown over the past few weeks. But to ensure Bernie wins, we need to continue
giving it our all.

Yes, the momentum for a Bernie nomination, and a Republican Presidency grow every day. The Democratic Party is carrying around a dying political agenda, and driving all the ardent left-wing supporters off the cliff with it. 

Pass the popcorn. I like this flick! The Democratic Party has turned into a socialist clown car with crazy women driving themselves away to their doom.
why I went to Iowa, and why I hope you'll chip in $10—or whatever you can—to
help Bernie win.
your support, the campaign will be able to pay for more field organizers, who
can coordinate phone bank hours, on-the-ground canvassing, and other
person-to-person activities—the things that absolutely matter when you're down
to the wire.

It takes
guts, faith, and—yes—money to stand up to the billionaire class and turn the
tide of a nation like Bernie's doing right now. Click the link below to stand
with Bernie, as Bernie stands up for all of us:

A Hollywood actress talking about the Big Bad Billionaire Class. Really?!
would be the first to tell you that all this excitement is not about him.
"Baloney," he'd say with his customary warm bluster. This fight for
the future of our nation is about us—progressives on the move to take back our
country. Once and for all.
about damn time we got to be on the right side of history, don't you think? No
matter who gets the credit—Bernie, you, or I.

The right side of history, the wrong side of history: there is no side to history. There is truth, and there is error.
It takes
all of us. Click here to support the movement with a $10 contribution.
Come on.
We've got a viable presidential candidate who's morally, ethically, socially,
and politically with us on issue after issue that matters.
So let's
fight for him—hearts pumping, arms open wide, voices raised together.
chip in $10 right now to Bernie Sanders and MoveOn's proven strategy and
winnable campaign.
running an inspiring campaign. He's strong in the polls. And he's done it all
without compromising the issues that we care about the most. But he needs us to
That's a
fair deal, since we need a leader who's courageous and levelheaded in a time of
great crisis—like Bernie was in the lead-up to the Iraq War.

Louise Gushes over Bernie: "Weekend at Thelma's"?
We need a
leader who's willing to put education of our kids, fair wages for working
people, and the health and well-being of our elders first—one leader who'll
never yield to billionaire whims.

Education and fair wages, right? Then why does Bernie take the labor unions' support? They are killing wages and hurting kids' education. Labor unions are anathema to reform.
We need
a leader whose definition of being "tough on crime" is dealing
directly and responsibly with the shameful root causes of rising
incarceration—generational poverty, hunger, and unemployment.

Poverty does not cause crime. Criminals commit crimes. Get it right, Louise!

We need
a leader hell-bent on vanquishing Citizens United, one who'll help us kick Big
Money the hell out of Washington, D.C.—and give this nation's government back
to the people, to whom it truly belongs.
we need Bernie Sanders. And he needs us—right now—to win.
Click here and give what you can right now. For Bernie. For the values you hold
dear. For the world you want to pass on to future generations.
for all you do.


Yee-Ha! I can see Louise driving Bernie, Hillary, and the rest of the Democratic minions into the political oblivion!
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