I was not without my back-handed admirers at Aunt Janice's sit-in in name only.

The editor for the left-wing progressive rage James Preston Allen was there.

"What Neighborhood Council?"

With the ever-present fedora, slick and ready to make the case for failed policies, Allen recognized me in the line to speak at the podium

He started taking pictures of me, too.

Fine with me.

I took some photos myself.

He seemed pretty smug, it seemed, even though he had just been through off the Central San Pedro Neighborhood Council.

All the "progressive" ideas he had been pushing all blew up in his face.

Little houses for the homeless?

$15 an hour minimum wage hikes?

"Arthur is stupid … because he doesn't agree with my
idiotic, regressive, unproven ideas about … "

Environmental tyranny, which pushes away good jobs?

When will the Random Lengths Prava get in through their left-leaning brains that the command-control top-down arrogance does not work?

Well, Allen took his casual shots at me and anyone who supports the Second Amendment.

Here are some of his comments.

Check out this link where Allen kisses Aunt Janice's butt, then he takes a jab at the people who threw him out of office.

Then he commented on my comments.

This man has such a limited understanding of the United States Constitution, too.

Here are his comments:

"In the Constitution, there is also the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Where does this phrase appear in the United States Constitution? Oh, that's right .., it doesn't.

Thomas Jefferson penned those words in the Declaration of Independence.

"Don't know much about … anything!"

Then came the next set of whoppers:

"And that right actually precedes the Second Amendment."

Once again, little James, the life and liberty part is not even listed as a right in the Constitution.

"And if you look at the Amendments of the Constitution, they have a certain priority … uh, level."

Oh, so the Framers listed the Bill of Rights based on their importance?! WHAT?!

"And free speech is at the top, and gun ownership is second in the rights …"

This man is the "progressive" editor in chief. Yes.

I cannot add anything to the sure ridiculousness of those comments.

These two comments say it all:

Jose Martinez Who is this ass clown!?!?Amendments are put in order of importance? The 13th amendment is towards the middle so using his logic guess outlawing slavery is not that important. Idiot! Ass clown!

Unlike Â· Reply Â· 1 Â· Yesterday at 10:43am

Ceasar Hurtado hahahahahahahahah what!?

Unlike Â· Reply Â· 2 Â· Yesterday at 10:56am


But the best was yet to come at the end of the evening.

So, former ILWU local leader and LA Harbor Commissioner Dave Arian loses it and takes my phone away.

He had to give it back, of course.

Then I walked over to one of the reporters for them to cover Arian's display of aggression.

Then Mr. Allen spoke again.

"You are being provocative, Mr. Schaper …"

"You are being provocative … F–k you!"

Well, I will let you enjoy the video for yourself. Click here.

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