For the last month, it has become easier to understand what is going on with certain people who have participated in the Patriot, MAGA, Pro-America Movement etc.

The Red Elephants was an interesting group. For a time, they were helpful, joined us in activist events in Los Angeles County. They attended the disastrous Lou Correa DACA event, which thankfully shut down for a while.

(They like to write "The TRUTH" after every topic they touch on or talk about).

Then I found that they were constantly targeting Jewish people, or at least claiming that they control the media. They also pushed the argument that race and IQ intimately correlate.

They also don't like Israel.

I took these arguments seriously, in that  I wanted to counter these ideas. I think that the intelligence and intellectual capabilities of individuals is what matters. Looking at groups across the board is not meaningful. The concept of race is becoming more difficult, not less, to determine or ascertain, too. Correlation is not causation.

Their outrage with Israel, and with "Jewish elites" is more unnerving. He also tweeted out a list of names involved in the #MeToo perversions in Hollywood. He went out of his way to single out Jewish actors. As if there weren't non-Jewish predators and perverts in Hollywood.

Give me a break!

I had participated in two debates on "The Red Elephants."

The first one, with James Allsup, focused on a topic called "Race Realism", or what some of the Alt-Right types called "Ethnic nationalism vs. Civic nationalism."

The fundamental arguments are flawed because there is so little concrete evidence or

Allsup resorted to name calling and mocking my age. I ended up leaving the debate because I had other things to do, like going to city council meetings and advancing policy goals rather than just arguing back and forth on YouTube with other people who really aren't doing much.

Then came the debate with Nick Fuentes.

That was fun. LOL!

This guy ended up resorting to same the bitter, Anti-Semitic mockery at the end. I am not Jewish, but boy people love asking me that question. OY!

You know they have lost the debate when they have to ask you if you are Jewish or not. Yikes. What difference does it make?

There was no interest in dialogue or discussion. Just acrimony and racism. Yes, racism, because they are obsessed with this notion of "white nationalism" or "white identity." They are convinced that "race" or "blood and soil" make the difference for every nation.

Yes, I am white, but I am much more than that. The answer to left-wing anti-social injustice warrior racism is not more racism. The whole beauty of Western Civilization is that we are far more than our skin color, and that objective reality and moral foundations come from more than our skin color, our nationality, or our ethnic status.

I had moved on. There is no arguing with bigots, and there is no use in making fundamental counter-arguments when a blanket disdain for religion and spiritual revelation is manifest.

Then came the hoopla over Jeremy Montanez, who had been sitting next to me during the CNN Panel in New York City.

The Red Elephants put out a video calling out the guy as a full-on left-wing plant. That is simply not true. I met the guy, and we talked after the panel discussion. We even had lunch together. All the videos, statements, Facebook posts from Montanez, that he was a socialist, that he was against Trump, were not news to me. He had revealed everything to me, and I wrote about all of it in my article for

This assault on Montanez was too much. I got so many calls, tweets, and texts about "The Plant."

So I shared the following with the public:

Here's the full statement on Facebook:

FINE: I have no choice to speak out on this issue.
Vincent James, the key speaker for the "Red Elephants" is an anti-Zionist, anti-Jew (no, I am not Jewish, but thanks for playing), pro-racialist speaker.
He also interviewed Patrick Little, the notorious yet pointless neo-Nazi who ran for US Senate in California earlier this year.
He is pushing the narrative that Jeremy Montanez is some kind of plant.
That is a lie, much like his anti-Jew, anti-Zionist, and racist videos.
#Unplug Red Elephants, I would suggest, but that's just me. I support Free Speech, including their right to push views that are unsubstantiated. The answer to free speech is …. free speech.
See the videos for yourself:
Racist, or at least Racialst: He argues that race and IQ correlate, i.e. ("black people are stupid because they are black").
I debated the other side of the argument with alt-right James Allsup (who supports socialism, apparently, see the video below)), that race and IQ are independent. I actually believe that all men–human beings–are created equal. Such a crazy concept, right?
I also don't believe Israel is a pariah state, nor do I believe that Jews are the cause for all the nation's woes. I do believe in a Jewish Carpenter who today and forever lives after the power of endless life. Thanks. Sorry if that makes me a "cuck" to the diminished minority of alt-right paleo-"cons" (they are not conservatives, but liberal-leaning racialists, in my view), but after watching Dinesh D'Souza's latest documentary, I am starting to realize that this "Alt-right" movement and its sympathizers like Vincent James are not that important, but worth repudiating nonetheless because the public is getting the wrong story about pro-American conservatives.
Oh, and to recap, I found it hard to believe that CNN panelist #JeremyMontanez was a plant, but ultimately I don't care–except for the fact that so many people are sharing stuff with me about it. See my previous Facebook post.
But at the end of day, let's back the MAGA movement! Let's Keep America Great. Thank you and have a great day!
Check out my debate with James Allsup below.

Enough is enough.

This kind of crap needs to be called out.

The answer to the world's problems is not "The Joooz".

The answer to an individual American's problems is not to move to a "majority white" city or state.

The obsession with race apart from culture, class, norms of decency, etc, is a pretty degenerate set of arguments.

And here's the thing: these are left-wing talking points.

There is nothing "America First" about an obsession with race, or an argument that "Not all men are created equal."

There is nothing "America First" about an argument which delegitimizes Israel, a strategic partner and ally which has helped us fight terrorism at home and abroad.

The Red Elephants, as they advance racialist narratives combined with a disturbing hatred of Israel in particular and Jews in general, sounds more and more like a left-wing organization, one which embraces the neo-Nazism of Patrick Little, the national socialism of Nick Fuentes (no conservative or pro-American there)which embraces the argument that only "The Jooz" are to blame for all the woes in the world.

So, here is my JQ for all of you that are reading this:

When are you going to Just Quit the Red Elephants?

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