Here is all the news updates on the good things happening regarding illegal immigration.

1. Judge Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican Party run-off. This is YUGE. It's a major blow to the accommodationist Establishment win of the GOP which wants to make nice and get nothing done for real Americans. Luther Strange was knee-deep in some pretty bad trade deals, job outsourcing, and just plain swamp-like activities.

Strange was appointed in the most corrupt fashion imaginable, too, since the now-disgraced former Governor Richard Bentley had appointed Strange to take Jeff Sessions' place so that the Attorney General would stop the investigation into Bentley's campaign and personal improprieties.

Moore is not afraid to call illegal aliens want they are: illegal aliens. He is not bullied into pitying the "children" who were brought into this country illegally, but rightfully identifies them as law-breakers.

Any steps toward implementing DACA, amnesty, or any other pathways to citizenship besides the laws already on the books are going to face a major fail.

2. The wall! The prototypes are already getting built in San Diego as we speak. This is a major campaign promise which Trump cannot renege on.The DC-Big Business-Big Labor political establishment does not want the wall, since that will become a permanent fixture in ensuring protection of our nation's sovereignty and security

3. Trump has restructured and expanded the travel ban to include North Korea and Venezuela, as well as Iran.

This move, all while the left-wing interest groups and media intelligentsia were bungled up over NFL players taking the knee during the national anthem. The Supreme Court has canceled their hearing to review Trump's initial travel ban, and it is likely that no one is going to file further lawsuits against this second travel ban.

4. Trump has cut the number of refugees to an epic low of 45,000 per yer. Perhaps some would argue that that number is still too high, but at least the numbers have plunged drastically.

5. Bob Corker is resigning. He has been an anti-Trump thorn in the side of the Trump Administration. We expect that a pro-Trump, pro-enforcement conservative will seek the seat and further the pro-American immigration enforcement agenda.

6. The Trump administration has revoked all VISA privileges for countries which refuse to take back their foreign nationals caught living illegally in the United States.

Despite the frustrating setbacks in Congress, President Trump's pro-American, pro-enforcement agenda is proceeding apace, and we can expect American sovereignty and security to restore to proper pre-eminence.

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