Carol Swain is AWESOME! I love relating the true history of the Republican and Democratic Parties.
Democrats sent blacks to the back of the bus. Republicans offered them the front seat, or told them "You can own the bus!"
In another video, Carol Swain needs to share:
1. Republicans opposed the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, but Democrats supported it: from their Congressional members, to the fascist President FDR (by executive order) to the Democratic-dominated Supreme Court.
2. Republicans restored citizenship to American Indians, allowing them to have full status as Americans. Democrats have opposed enfranchisement and independence for American Indians since their party's founding.
3. Republicans (At least those not caught up in corporate wranglings) have fought against the wage-theft and public safety losses which result from illegal immigration, while Democrats across the board have fostered and enabled open borders, blanket amnesty, and the robbery of working Americans to wage-cutting mass migration, especially illegal immigration.
4. Republicans have long opposed the sexual abuse of children, and any one member involved in such perversion was duly expelled (Mark Foley, Dennis Hastert). Democrats have stood with perverts, predators, and pedophiles, then and now, from disgraceful Congressman Gerry Studds of Massachusetts, who slept with his underage pages, to Bill Clinton, who raped women and forced them into silence, to the Democratic enablers of Hollywood who bundle money for Democrats in part to protect the serial sexual deviance and exploitation of youth.
#WalkAway, people!

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