The bigotry and hatred of the Brown Supremacists at Chicano Park was evident for all to see.

Check out this clip, where you can hear angry voices across the street shouting: "F–k you, gringo!

Thirty second later, someone else shouts the same hateful epithet.

"F–k You, Gringo!"

Then I heard "Viva La Raza, pinche gueros!" — which means "Long Live the Race, F–king White boys!"

AWFUL! So much bigotry!

The anti-white, anti-Anglo sentiment is rife and repellent.

Hard to ignore. This was a bad day for Chicano Park advocates. They wanted to create a safe space to celebrate Mexican-Americans? They ended up dishonoring their own heritage.

At this point, someone shouted at us: "Go back to Europe!"

Whatever happened to being tolerant or inclusive?

Then some of the raging protesters revved up their vehement hatred towards us.

They started pressing around, even though there were at least 10 police officers surrounding us on our way to our cars.

Someone shouted out about white privilege. Oh brother! What white privilege, when they treat white people so badly? What are they talking about?!

Then someone said the following to me:

"You're probably Jewish, then!"

What's that supposed to mean?

What difference would it make, whether I was Jewish or not?

Why would it matter?

Do they have a problem with Jewish people?

Point of fact, the leader of the Chicano Movement, Reies Lopez Tijerina, was anti-Semitic. The Union-Tribune reported:

While admired by some students, his activism was steeped in violence and his legacy remained controversial. He also drew criticism for his treatment of women and comments largely viewed as anti-Semitic.

The hatred of Jews does not stop with this one leader. Check out this other Brown Supremacist group:

Recently MEChA came under scrutiny as a result of the Tucson Unified School District’s appeal of the finding by Superintendent of Public Instruction (SOPI) that TUSD’s Mexican American Studies classes violate state law. The district’s superintendent testified at the appeal hearing as to an email he received from Assistant Superintendent Dr. Lupita Cavazos-Garcia. In the email, Dr. Garcia … Dr. Garcia wrote that she was concerned about the organization’s “anti-Semitic tone and tenor on our campuses.” She went on to state that the some of the district’s students have little emotional support and “our Raza students are ripe for this kind of influence.”
This is really serious, people.
American citizens were not permitted to go to a park because we were white.
That is the textbook example of racism. They also attempted to smear me by claiming that I was Jewish. There is nothing shameful about one's ethnic heritage, whether I am Jewish or not. Such vitriol, such bitter bigotry from the Brown Supremacists at Chicano Park was on full display for all to see.
It's time for all Americans, regardless of their background, to stand up to this hate!
We need to follow the brave examples of the Black Americans during the Civil Rights Movement, and we need to establish to all who are listening: this country is for all Americans, that all men are created equal!

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