Random Lengths News does not have a penchant for truth-telling.

Or even for relevant reporting.

Clearly, "The Psychologists' Guide" is either self-parody of the
progressive moment, or the last alternative in reporting for a newspaper which
is desperate to hold on to readers.

Why not dissect "The Democratic Brain" while you are at it?
Perhaps because the Democratic mindset does not exist, perhaps because a
liberal world view is just on man's face in the ground or a boot in your face
forever, to quote George Orwell.

Or course, such hollow attacks mean nothing. Ad hominem will get us nowhere.

A comment on some of the "neuroses of the Right"

Denial: Tax cuts do work, but they must be matched with spending cuts, or
inflation and deficits rage on without stopping.

Displacement: Republicans are not the only ones going after generous
pensions and benefits. San Jose, one of the most liberal cities in California,
passed pension reform by initiative at a 70% margin, above the two-third threshold.
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker beat the June recall with Democratic and
Republican votes.

"Conservatives identify themselves with everything good and liberals
with everything evil." This compartmentalization was in full force during
the Bush Administration, when protestors compared the former president to Osama
Bin Laden or Adolph Hitler. The double-standard has raged in full-force,
though, when protestors compared the current president to the Joker or to
communist ideologues — but the media slammed the protestors for sharing their
views in the same rhetorically partisan vein as in years before.

"Acting Out" — one more time, columnists are attacking "The
Tea Party" as an empty rag-tag mass of rabble-rousing race-mongers, when
Occupy Everywhere was trashing the public square, bringing in its loitering
wake disease and destruction without any demonstrable results. LA is still
picking up the tab for Occupy, then and now. Who is getting hurt? The very 99%
that these groups claim to represent.

Is Random Lengths New really all about reporting anything relevant, or is
the whole paper just about giving the dying progressive some more gasps of
life-support? These articles add nothing meaningful to the discussion while
further marginalizing these already alternative views.

Even Roseanne Barr's abortive run for President on the Green ticket was not
nearly as pathetic.

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