Dear Supporter,
Democrats in Santa Fe has proved once again that they are out of touch with the needs of New Mexicans. They have proposed a "business as usual" budget that protects their bloated and over-funded legislative retirement accounts but slashes education funding.
Please call these legislators to tell them that you mean business and that if they don’t vote for the House Republican budget we will SEND THEM PACKING!
Democrat Daymon Ely (505) 610-6529
Democrat Liz Thomson (505) 239-1781
Democrat Candie Sweetser (575) 546-2915
Democrat Nathan Small (575) 496-9540
Democrat Joanne Ferrary (575) 382-6425
Democrat Rudy Martinez (575) 534-7546

With your help, we can pass a responsible budget that reduces legislative waste and increases funding for the important programs our state needs.
Call your legislator now and demand they stand up for New Mexico, not their own self-interest!
Thank you,
Ryan Cangiolosi RPNM Chairman