Ed Factor claims that the Mass GOP is committing suicide by adding planks to
the state party platform which recognize the tragic aspects of abortion as well
as the fundamental importance of marriage.  Even though he fears that
the Mass GOP will commit suicide with such a platform, was it not the same Ed
Factor who wrote: "The Mass GOP is. . .dead"? Either the party is
dead, or it isn't. I submit that any party which stands for principles and
embraces the fight for life and liberty is not only alive, but also kicking.

Specifically, regarding the reports of the supposed death,
er suicide of the Mass GOP, Ed Factor wrote:

Well, well, well. I have been warning everyone for months that social
conservatives who can't understand years of polling and election results –
would try to use the MassGOP platform to get the party to be officially
anti-abortion and anti-gay.

Right and wrong, life and death, are not subject to debate and historical

did the Boston Globe write
, anyway, regarding social conservatives' drive
for added planks to the platform (and remember, we are talking about the
liberal-left-leaning, Gabriel-Gomez-always-apologizes Boston Globe. . .)

 A proposal written by several key conservatives would go beyond
the current party platform, which affirms “the inherent dignity and sanctity of
human life.” It would add, “We believe that every instance of abortion is

Honestly, "inherent dignity" is good enough. Personally, I believe
that there is no need to add that abortion is tragic. However, the
Mass GOP, and every other state GOP, should affirm that because of life's
tragic elements, abortion in restricted circumstances is acceptable (rape,
incest, life of the mother, etc.) Most women (as well as men) respect
these limitations.

Then the Globe writes: 

The draft would also add a line referring to same-sex marriage: “We
believe the institution of traditional marriage strengthens our society.”

Libertarians (and limited government conservatives in general) can argue:
"Get the government out of marriage altogether". The
liberal-progressives had insisted on getting Big Government involved in "I
do" to begin with. Most people living out homosexual conduct do not marry,

Finally, the Globe manufactures conflict:

But the party’s leading candidate for governor, Charlie Baker, and
Richard Tisei, its best shot at breaking the Democratic stranglehold on the
state’s congressional delegation, quickly distanced themselves from the
platform proposal.

Says who? There are more Republicans than Tisei and Baker, and the will and
thrill to walk the precincts, knock on doors, and reach out to everyone lies
within any person's capacity, as he or she sees fit.

This has to be said, too: seeking to protect life and respect marriage as an
institution of one man and one woman does not constitute negatives, i.e.
anti-abortion or anti-gay. Frankly, conservatives in the Bay State, and just
about everywhere, should practice the Ten Percent Principle, which suggests
that shifting ten percent of any population to think differently can shape the
cultural decisively.

Instead of accommodating the standard as outlined by "Mister
Governor" Patrick and liberal Beacon Hill, the Mass GOP can show that they
can stay alive, and stump for the life of the unborn as well as traditional

But back to square one. No one can argue that a political party is about to
commit suicide if the party is already dead. More importantly, a party which
stands on principles is a party that is. . .alive!

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