The United States Constitution is short, for a reason.

The Framers did not want a government that would be all things for all people.

Who in their right mind would assume that it was government's job to provide for us?

Government is in place to:

1) Protect our rights

2) Protect our borders.

Government is not necessarily a necessary evil. When it grows beyond its acceptable boundaries, then it becomes evil.

Government is not the problem; the people's outrageous and protean definition of what government should do . . .therein lies the problem.

Governments are instituted among men "to protect our rights." Those rights are enumerated very concisely in the Declaration of Independence: "Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Read, it is not government's job to provide anyone happiness per se. Rather, to provide the means for every person to seek it as they see fit.

Government which runs up huge debt to pay off obligations which it was neither obliged not entitled to provide. . .that is not what government is for.

Let us consider the fate of the miller, his son, and the ass they were taking to town to sell. Every passer-by kept telling them how to carry their animal to their destination. Some said to ride the ass, some said to walk next to. Some said to let it run, and finally one townsman told them to tie the horse to a pole a carry the ass the rest of the way. With all the prodding and changing, the ass got so agitated that it struggled with the miller and his son, pushing them away, and falling into a nearby river, where it drowned.

The moral of this fable is the same for unmitigated government growth:

"If you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one."

Government that tries to serve every need will not serve the people's needs.

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