President Obama ran for office and run his office as “The
One” to destroy the Republican Party. Eight years later Trump is President, and
Republicans are finally reversing the damage of that administration.
Ironically, the damage done to the Democratic Party has become incalculable and
We all know that during Election 2016, The DNC lied,
cheated, and stole the nomination from Bernie. Bernie delegates in California
told me that the DNC charged them $2,000 more than Hillary delegates to attend
the convention, as well as adding “mandatory” evenings. Dirty dealing from Day
One.  The corruption-turned- infighting
from the top down has metastasized into Stage Four inoperable cancer.
The DNC Chairmanship to replace the corrupt Donna Brazile
(who had replaced the corrupt Debbie Wasserman-Schulz) featured Hillary-Obama
puppet Tom Perez and Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison, who wanted to further
the Bernie Revolution of unfettered socialism—and he praised the Muslim
Brotherhood. Who can forget the Idaho DNC candidate who announced: “It’s my job
to tell white men to sit down and shut up!” Another contender from Arkansas was
booted … because he was from Arkansas. Great idea, Democrats—kick Southerners
in the teeth, and keep asking yourselves why you keep losing. Yeah, smart.
Instead of course corruption, the Democrats have embraced
more socialistic lunacy. Wait, let’s tell it like it is: The DNC has gone full
Consider the goals from listed in the 1963
Congressional record
13. Do away with all loyalty
—California Assembly Democrats just passed this.
15. Capture one or both of the
political parties in the United States
16. Use technical decisions of
the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities
violate civil rights
—Democratic operations.
17. Get control of the schools.
Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda
Crap, this is so true. Kids are getting picture books featuring “Uncle Stalin”.
22. Continue discrediting
American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression
    Push this on a widening scale.
26. Present homosexuality,
degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."—
40. Discredit the family as an
institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce
—Sad, but true.
The Democratic Party has advanced these destructive goals in lock-stop.
In contrast, the Republican Party has doubled-down on Biblical truth, rejecting
gay marriage, enhancing life, celebrating America’s culture and country.
The Communists intended full takeover the media. Today, hey are losing
their chokehold on Americans minds. Besides, DNC corruption has become so
brazen, the most liberal of mainstream media sites cannot contain the
contagion. The New York Post even
glibly told off Crooked Hillary to “F—k Off!”
Communism and corruption seem to go hand in hand.
Who can forget the lawsuits?!
One state party chair candidate is suing the state party for
violating their own by-laws.
: Remember when all hell broke loose on the NVDEM convention floor as
the chair of the meeting concluded it hastily?
Class Action Lawsuit Number One:
The DNC stiffed their convention employees
for overtime. So much for caring for the working man.
Class Action Lawsuit Number Two:
The socialist phoenix has arisen. They are
suing the entire DNC for tipping their hand against Bernie Sanders.
This relentless, immoral, communistic and corrupt cancer is killing the
California Democratic Party, too. Currently, two candidates are fighting for
the state chairmanship in determined, destructive defiance. First, Mr.
inevitable front-runner state Vice Chairman Eric Bauman. As the current
chairman for Los Angeles County, he was slated to replace former Congressman,
state senator, all-around liberal loony fuddy-duddy John Burton. To his credit,
the out-going chairman wisely predicted that 30% of Bernie supporters would go
to Trump in the general election.
Bauman is often referred to as “Bossman”, a belligerent
insider who dictates what goes, and who runs. He’s also a corporate shill for
Big Pharma, a total crony whose only real job has been “advisor” and consultant
to the Democratic Big Wigs in Sacramento. Currently, he sucks up to California
Speaker Anthony Rendon, who carries water for the Open Borders lobby as well as
Big Labor, Big Business, La Raza, and the expansive, disgusting Octopus of
ideologies. Bauman is openly gay, married to a “husband”, then touts himself as
a registered nurse. Love Trumps Hate, right? He quotes from the Old Testament
as though he holds any authority to talk about morals and good will. Really.
Bauman’s challenger? Kimberley Ellis, the candidate endorsed
by the Socialist Godfather Bernie Sanders. That says it all, especially for the
60% of California Bernie-crat delegates who romped the Democratic party
elections earlier this year. She is a gaining underdog, too, enough that Bauman
has been forced to send out two eblasts in one week ahead of the lection at the
2017 Convention.
But just like the DNC, California Democratic Party insiders
have worked very hard imitating the Crooked Hillary model to win this election
for Eric Bauman.
1. The party has allowed elected officials to appoint 5 delegates,
all of whom are expected to bow down and vote for the creepy Bossman.
2. Rumors have it that the Northern California Party
Vice-Chair Alexandra Rooker is threatening Bernie delegates, even calling their
own workplaces to get them fired.
This is the modern Democratic Party, people: from slavery to
secession, to segregation and socialism, and now outright communism as their
mantra. Is it any wonder that working class, gun-rack voters (those bitter
clingers) are rejecting the Democratic Party?

Substantive reports now claim that DNC operative Seth Rich
was leaking (not hacking) information to Wikileaks. Incredible. Expect more
defections from the DNC as Hillary-Shillary puppet Tom Perez continues to lose
special elections, while Trump continues galvanizing his base to make America
Great Again. With a Bauman win in California, Golden State Democrats have
informed me that they will bolt. Perhaps Republicans the can re-register voters
and win elections even in California? After all, Biblical morality is making a
comeback, and everyone hates corruption, especially when they are paying for
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