One of the worst kept secrets in LA politics is Congresswoman Janice Hahn's inevitable run for LA County Board of Supervisors in 2016. Her Daddy served on the Board for forty years, and despite term limits, "Aunt Janice" can enjoy a similar, lengthy, influential tenure of her own.

She has been fundraising with relentless abandon for the past two years, even though she faced token opposition in her Congressional reelection bid in 2014.

What is she raising all that money for?

She has a hankering for the Supervisor seat, the one which Don Knabe will vacate when he is forced out because of term limits.

So, what will happen to the 44th Congressional District, if  Congresswoman Hahn runs and gets elected?

In comes recently elected state senator Isadore Hall (D-Inglewood).

Barely two months into office, and already the speculation is swirling that another round of Electoral Musical chairs will ensue in the South Bay-South Los Angeles LA Corridor.

Aunt Janice runs for Supervisor, Uncle Izzy run for Congress.

Assemblyman Steven Bradford

Then Assemblyman Steve Bradford runs for the 35th State Senate district. The same Bradford who declined to challenge Isadore Hall in the December 9th special election to replace convicted felon Roderick Wright.

Daisy Chain

Does anyone have a problem with this daisy-chain politicking? When will these official represent their constituents, instead of playing relentless social climbers, or rather political mountaineers? The West Los Angeles region already experienced the upward swing of political self-promotion. First Congressman Henry Waxman retired (finally), the State Senator Ted Lieu announces his interest in the seat, then his seat opened up for a potential Assembly candidate to replace Lieu. Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) tried to do that, but Democratic power brokers pushed him back into defending the 66th Assembly District, which he lost in 2014.

Is there any notable opposition which can slow down if not stop this relentless Democratic dominance and hegemony in the Harbor-South Los Angeles region? Assemblyman David Hadley upended the Democratic establishment in the South Bay. Could this momentum assist other upcoming Republican upstarts in the region to challenge the Democratic statist status quo and disrupt the daisy-chain of political coronations to higher office?

The California Friends of the African-American Caucus have released the following eblast below. The brazen confidence of the Democratic politicians in the region should offend residents and energize prospective voters.

If local Republicans and conservatives put together some kind of ground game now, there may be a chance to give the different Democratic machines in the Harbor Area a tough fight, even if Congresswoman Hahn and Senator Hall, with Assemblyman Bradford, ultimately prevail.


Dear California, Chicago, Atlanta Georgia, Washington D.C. & Sacramento, Dallas & San Antonio Texas, Friends of the African American Publication.

California Friends, Ministers
Community and Labor Leaders
Senator Isadore Hall for Congress
Janice Hahn for Supervisor
A Change is Gonna Come 
A Change Is Gonna Come — Sam Cooke (Original Version in HD)
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