There's no running away from it. The corrupt, liberal media has complicitly stood with the abusers, the rapists, the pedophiles, all the corrupt elite creeps who have gotten away with just about everything imaginable.

The media was supposed to serve as some kind of watchdog for the corruption, the immorality, and the malfeasance of our "betters".

I had no idea how bad it was — and I know that I am not the only one who feels this way.

The staggering level of perversion is just killing me.

Matt Lauer a sexual predator? Garrison Keller, too?

No wonder media companies were not uncovering the sexual misconduct of the elected officials and the higher-ups. They would soon enough have to come forward about their own despicable conduct.

Since when has there been such an avalanche of corruption and perversion spilling out into the media consciousness?

It's pretty astounding. For about an hour last night, I was kind of troubled by all this sexual perversion spilling out of the top media executives' firms. We the People still need a strong, robust press to help serve as our watchdog for the government.

Then again, maybe that's the problem. We can be our own media, now, and we can play a better watchdog going after the corrupt goings-on in our federal, state, and local governments.

We need to get back to looking at the media as a partisan matter from the outset. During and after the American Revolution, the newspapers were evidently partisan. They never hid their bias, ever. They were clearly Federalist or Anti-Federalist, and nothing would stop them. The press has to stop pretending that they are objective in every sense of the word. It's just not possible.

It is possible, however, to report the truth as events occur. It is possible to narrate events as they happen. There is nothing wrong with choosing which stories one wants to write and print about–but there is a massive problem when the media source claims to be objective when they are not, and when they subscribe to a world view which leads them–and they justify it to themselves–to lie to the public.

Enough is enough. The corrupt, enabling media have been exposed. They covered up for the sexual perversions enacted by liberal elites in corporate America, Hollywood, and the government.

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