For the past two years, as a freelance writer for the New
England press as well as nationally and locally, I have reported on a number of
disconcerting trends which originated in New England, and now have started
working their way nationally. The progressive agenda has encouraged the
increased encroachment of the state into citizens’ private, and has taken on an
unprecedented push in this region, one where Republicans and conservatives
stood up against government sponsorship of human slavery and maintained
long-standing resistance against Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal.

Government school boards began in Massachusetts. Big Labor took
on collective bargaining powers and found a firm stronghold in Rhode Island.
Gay marriage began in New England, with Vermont sanctioning civil unions,
followed by Massachusetts imposing gay marriage by judicial fiat. In the Bay
State, the land where The American Revolution’s “
heard round the world
” was first fired, government bureaucracies, in
collusion with Big Labor and Big Lawyers, have inculcated cronyism and
corruption to unprecedented heights.
Dr. Paul Church

Massachusetts, now one of the most heavily dominated
one-party Democratic states in the country, also passed laws preventing
protests outside of abortion clinics.
after the Supreme Court struck down
those strictures because of their
infringement on the First Amendment,
Governor Deval Patrick and Attorney General Martha Coakley sought
to reform
the initial law in order to protect a woman’s “right to choose” (although not
her right to speak).

State-sponsored laws have made war on families and freedom
in other venues, too.

Two years ago, the Massachusetts Department of Children and
young Justina Pelletier
against her and her family’s will. Besides the
ongoing work of local activities and Fox News anchor (and Presidential
candidate) Mike Huckabee, no one knew about this Orwellian dystopia nightmare.
Finally, after much pressure (including my reporting in the Worcester, MA
media), Justina was released to another facility in her own state of
Connecticut. The greatest failure in this disturbing case of government
widespread media failure not to report

Following the judicial fiat imposition of gay marriage on
the Commonwealth, the homosexual lobby worked its way into many facets of
public life in Massachusetts. Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network
(GLSEN) has promoted education materials to push
LGBT agenda into public education
. In counter protest, Catholic
in California walked out of schools in refusal to condone same-sex
marriage and conduct. Earlier, though,
a Lexington, MA parent was
after he protested lessons on homosexuality in his son’s
kindergarten class.

Now private industries, including the medical field, are
embracing Gay Pride programs, even if it means bullying individual employees to
comply with the activities or lose their jobs. ALthough
played up the imposition
of gay marriage as a small, benign matter with
happy festivities and “more love all around”, pro-family groups
like Mass Resistance and
Student Action
depict a more severe, less warm and fuzzy reality of what
happened afterwards.

One current and distressing example of this concerns the
case of Dr. Paul Church, an established urologist at Beth Israel Deaconness
Medical Center and the administration which faulted him for his views on homosexual
conduct, including his concerns about the medical implications of the behavior,
and his resistance to participating in pro-gay pride activities promoted by the

On March 30, a major
Harvard-affiliated hospital in Boston, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center (BIDMC),
expelled a well-respected urologist from its
medical staff because he voiced concerns about the unhealthy nature of
homosexual behavior and objected to the hospital’s aggressive promotion of “gay
pride” activities.

Dr. Church has worked in a number of countries and worked on
issues pertaining to sexual conduct and the consequences of high-risk
behaviors. For over a decade, he voiced initial concerns about the hospital’s
investment and promotion in “Gay Pride” activities. He and his like-minded
colleagues first met token opposition, even ridicule.  Despite the initial backlash, Dr. Church
proceeded to report the medical concerns as well as the moral opprobrium
connected with homosexual behavior. 
this timeline for more information
. He faced tighter sanctions from this
administrators, including one who was eventually
to resign following immoral dalliances with a subordinate
. They eventually
imposed a gag order on the doctor. Finally, he was asked to resign, then
summarily terminated.

Mass Resistance commented:

This is outrageous. A
respected physician – particularly one on the staff of Harvard Medical School
and a major hospital – should not have his career essentially ended because
he’s simply telling the truth.

Aside from the Patch
news service
, and a report from the Boston  Business Journal, the Massachusetts
media, liberal and conservative, have reported nothing on this trampling of
freedom of speech. Following press inquiries to Liberty Counsel, the law firm
Church in his upcoming appeal
, media personnel responded that they are not
issuing and press releases until after the appellate hearing, in compliance
with Massachusetts law.
Dr. Church (center) with Liberty Counsel

The Boston Business

"Dr. Church has
objected to the promotion of homosexuality because of the inherent dangers of
homosexual activity," Mast said. "… Dr. Church has repeatedly made
known his objections (to homosexuality) in a medical capacity, and his wishes
that he not be the recipient of these (LGBT events) based on his
Christian-based beliefs. Both of those requests have been ignored."

Final Reflection

Perhaps Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was right, and the
Supreme Court’s decision to create another right at the expense of others
explicitly in the Constitution have transformed the judicial branch “the
greatest threat to American Democracy”.

Whatever one’s views about same-sex conduct or the role of
the state in defining marriage, or a private institution’s knowledge or
dissemination on either, a professional’s standing and career should not be in
jeopardy for speaking one’s mind and voicing concerns on the subject.

Up to press time, media silence reigns over the Church
controversy, as in the Justina Pelletier case. How much longer will these
attack on individual liberty continue unabated?
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