Gary DeLong for US Congress

As the fight in the 33rd Congressional District
is reaching a flurrying pitch, with attack ads and debates in the Palos Verdes
Peninsula, Manhattan Beach wealth and stealth Bill Bloomfield seems to be
blossoming toward the win. The Beverly Hills Courier has given Bloomfield their
seal of approval, a crippling blow to the declining Berman-Waxman machine.

In addition to following Independent in the 33rd,
who is getting into the thick of his campaign, I took some time  to look into other house races in the
Southland, including the contentious intra-party Berman-Sherman tussle, 
which nearly got physical
a few days ago. Now I’m catching up with
 47th Congressional District contest
which runs from Long Beach through Northwestern Orange Country, an interesting
coupling which should make this race something worth watching. Following the
June 6th primary,  Democratic
state Senator Alan Lowenthal and Republican Long Beach Councilman Gary DeLong
emerged as the top-two winners.

When I next checked out the Congressional battle along Long
Beach, at first I thought that venture capitalist Kevin O’Leary from “Shark
Tank” was running for office. Of course, I am really referring  to Long Beach City Councilman Gary DeLong,
the Republican candidate who recently has received some interesting press for
standing up to an obnoxious camera junkie, blocking her unwanted and unethical
camera shots. More on that later.

Councilman DeLong is a new breed of Republican, fiscally
conservative yet socially tolerant, pro-choice and pro-gay marriage, much like
the Independent running in the 33rd. This development is intriguing.
Contrary to the complaints of California Republican Party operatives, the Open
Primary and Redistricting Reforms have not marginalized the GOP as much as promote
open-minded candidates to seek the vote and the following of every voter,
Democrat and Republican.

Huffington Post
reveals a widening gap between Lowenthal and DeLong. Real
Clear Politics.com
 indicates that
the race leans Democratic, but that has not stopped DeLong from getting in gear
for the long haul.
has predicted that this race will be a tight one, because of the
more conservative element, both Democratic and Republican, in Orange Country.

In addition to DeLong’s extensive list of endorsements
from Congressmen, state legislators, and even city leaders in Long Beach and
Orange County, DeLong has received the support of
California Womens Leadership Association
, which assessed both candidates on
their policies concerning taxes, business regulation, local control, and
limited government. DeLong, a businessman and bipartisan problem-solver, was
their choice, and he should be the choice for voters in the 47th.

Contrary to DeLong’s record of limited government and
business savvy,
Senator Alan Lowenthal’s voting record
exposes a politician who supports
tax increases, government intrusions, and more spending. Deficits and national
debts are exploding in Washington, and the last thing that Californians, or the
country, need is another tax-and-spend career politician. Instead of rallying
for pension reform and budget restraint, Lowenthal has voted for raising
shipping fees, metro taxes, and banning shark-fin soup. Hardly a record of problem-solving
and fiscal conservatism.  In a
threateningmove to the security of the state and the integrity of our
immigration laws, Lowenthal also voted for
Issuing Driver's Licenses to Certain Individuals Ineligible for a Social
Security Number
, or licensing undocumented immigrants. This kind of
legislating is not leadership, but lunacy, pure and simple. No wonder
, the Long Beach paper with normally a moderate-liberal bent,
has endorsed DeLong based on his fiscal priorities, independent stance on
social issues, and his bipartisan efforts which our federal government needs now
more than ever. DeLong has offered a plan for business growth and health care
reform, which includes amending the Affordable Care Act, border security –
followed by reformed naturalization laws and a limited guest worker program
–and blocking further federal bailouts for fiscal crises in the several states.

Democratic activists have
whether Gary DeLong, as a member of the Republican caucus in
Congress, would stand up to John Boehner, following a sudden dust-up with a
political stalker record DeLong’s every move. First of all, every public event
deserves notice and commentary, and we must recognize that we live in a 24/7
tech-record age. However, the space and due respect which the political pundits
and private political analysts owe to every candidate should not be
compromised. In the event in question, DeLong confronted the woman, an
operative for the California Democratic party, whom witnesses commented had
gotten with six inches  of candidates –
unacceptable, to say the least. Even
the released recording of
DeLong and company castigated the overbearing camerawoman for violating rules
respecting the presence, not necessarily the statements, of both candidates.
Even public events have rules of conduct, and any recordings must be honored in
their entirety. DeLong did the right thing protecting his privacy and his
family, and he evidently can stand up to overbearing reporters and recorders.

Gary DeLong belongs in Congress representing Long Beach and
the rest of the 47th! Go, Gary, Go!
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