July 22, 2018
Support Vice-Mayor Ted Hickman at the next Dixon City Council Meeting against LGBT activists!
From: Arthur Schaper, Organization Director of MassResistance and current director of California MassResistance

We are working with Save California against the LGBT Hate machine, including the attacks on First Amendment Rights.

The latest assault is happening in Dixon, CA against Vice-Mayor Ted Hickman. Recently in an article on his blog, Dixon shared his views on life, family, and natural marriage.

At the July 10th, 2018 Dixon City Council meeting, he endured an unjust, uncalled-for hate storm from left-wing activists who demanded his resignation. The abuse which he endured just for writing out in favor of natural marriage and family is appalling.

Click on this article for more information.

We need as many people as possible show support for Vice-Mayor Ted Hickman, Biblical morality, and the First Amendment!

This fight is crucial because homosexual-transgender activists are trying to throw Vice-Mayor Hickman out of office. These left-wing bullies will stop at nothing to silence anyone-and everyone– for simply speaking the truth about the destructive LGBT Movement!

Please join lots of pro-family activists and attend the next Dixon, CA City Council meeting, taking place THIS TUESDAY. We already have supporters in the region who are coming. The local media has also indicated they will be there.

Dixon City Council meeting
Tuesday, July 24th, 2018
Come at 6:00pm – meeting starts at 7:00pm
Dixon City Hall
600 East A St, Dixon, CA 95620

We need to send the message loud and clear — to the Dixon City Council and everyone else: We Californians are tired of the left-wing LGBT Hate Machine bullying against men and women of conscience. We have a right and a need to speak out for life, for natural marriage, and for the nuclear family.

This is VERY important. Please feel free to contact me for more information. Email: arthur@massresistance.org

Please bring signs supporting Vice-Mayor Hickman. Here is an example:

If you can, please print copies and make signs of our "California MassResistance" logo:
All you have to do is sign up for public comment and speak out in support of Vice Mayor Ted Hickman:

1. Support for natural marriage, one man and one woman.

2. Support for biological gender identity, male and female.

3. Support for the First Amendment – everyone has the right to speak their mind on issues, even if they are elected officials.

Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing you there!

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