

Dear Fellow California Republican Party Delegate:
The California Republican Party needs leadership and a Chair that understands politics, campaigns, media, fund raising and how the Party operates.  We need people in charge that know the rules.
In her words candidate Jessica Patterson is, "proud to have worked for…!"  In the past she has worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger who wants to end the Republican Party. She worked for Meg Whitman, who had to give her campaign $140 million and then, in 2018, became the National Finance Co-Chair for Hillary Clinton.  In 2016 she worked for Neel Kashkari who was honest enough to note he voted for Obama and donated to him.  He jumped into the race for Governor as a Republican to make sure a real Republican did not get the nomination.  Then after he lost, Obama appointed him as President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve. And then a few days ago, one of her "rock stars" from California Trailblazers,  GOP Assemblyman Brian Maienschein became a Democrat. 
Further to the above Chad Mayes, a former Assembly Republican leader from Yucca Valley, and a strong supporter of Jessica Patterson was quoted by Cal Matters , as supporting Assemblyman Brian Maienschein when he stated “But Assemblyman Chad Mayes, a former Assembly Republican leader from Yucca Valley, called Maienschein a good man with a principled heart.”  He went on to say, “He’s a great legislator that represents his district well. I’m sure this decision did not come easy for him. He didn’t leave the Republican Party,  the Party left him.” And like Maienschein, Mayes has said if Trump is the nominee, he will start another political Party, as he declared in a ‘secret’ meeting in the Bay Area just before Christmas.
So, with that said, consider the following additional issues surrounding my two opponents:
·         A few days ago, the Orange County Republican Party held a candidates forum for CRP Chair.  It was announced by Travis Allen that he would stop the use of proxies at the February convention and would introduce a by-laws amendment.  This was greeted by great applause, until I explained the rules to the audience and to Mr. Allen.
o   To get a by-law changed you cannot, by fiat, end proxies; you must have your amendment into the Chair no later than 40 days prior to the convention.  That deadline is passed, without any such amendment produced.  Also, the convention needs to vote on the measure, and if passed, the change becomes effective AFTER the convention, not before.
Candidates for Chair need to know the basics of the CRP by-laws and Roberts Rules.

·         Then, for the third straight debate, Jessica Patterson did not explain why, as a staffer, she collects close to 400 proxies’ votes from the convention  floor for outside interests.  Needing explanation especially, is her support for Prop 14, (Top Two).  When I spoke, I asked the audience of close to 200 how many support Prop. 14 and not a single hand went up.  Yet, Jessica Patterson used  the proxies she collected to oppose, twice, my resolutions to put the Party on record for the repeal of Prop. 14.
·         Travis Allen also supported Prop 14 when a candidate for Assembly and also as an Assemblyman. As he has often stated, Prop 14 worked for him.  Now that he is running for CRP Chair, he conveniently opposes it just like 95% of the delegates surveyed by me over the past couple of weeks.
As we know, and  thanks to Prop 14, in 2018 there were 41 legislature seats, out of 153, that did not have a Republican on the November ballot.  We need leaders that want to lead the Party, not pursue their personal agendas.

·         Instead of giving detailed responses as to how they will revive the Party, both my opponents for Chair, like to tell you about who supports them.  This sounds more like Nancy Pelosi’s support of Obamacare and to paraphrase her, “…you will know what’s in the bill once you have passed the bill”.
·         Both candidates now talk about the lack of voter registration for the past six years.  Yet, one was a member of the Assembly Caucus and did not push voter registration for the California Republican Party while the other supported the Charles Munger theory of supporting Prop 14 and ending voter registration. Now they are both running for office after both contributed to the lack of voter registration over the past 6 years.
How bad is that?  During their silence the GOP went from one million more registrant’s than Decline to State in January 2013, to 700,000 more Decline to State in October 2018. YOU CAN’T WIN ELECTIONS WITHOUT CANDIDATES ON THE BALLOTS AND VOTERS REGISTERED.  While I was fighting to end Prop 14 and to use the CRP to register voters, my opponents were silent on registrations and supported not having GOP candidates on the ballot.

Since July I have been distributing a 15 page plan titled “Back to Basics”.  It explains the problems and my solutions.  It has been sent out to the delegates and others many times.  At the same time, in every message I send out and at the end of every speech, I give my personal cell phone number.  I believe that delegates, volunteers and Central Committee members should be able to speak directly with the Chair of the Party.  For too long only the major donors, the legislators and ‘important’ people could directly talk to the Chair.  With me as Chair, everyone can reach me directly.
And here we are, just a few weeks out from the convention, and it is a business as usual convention.  Yet there are many things we can address. Going forward, we need to establish a genuine working convention framework, and we know per the L.A. Times, illegal aliens collected absentee ballots in Orange County, some 250 000, yet despite my request to the CRP Board of Directors to do so, they  have not asked the Department of Justice for a civil rights violation investigation into Democrats using illegal aliens to harm honest voters.  Why?  How do we know all harvested ballots were turned in. Where is the  “chain of custody”?  In North Carolina the Democrat Party stopped the seating of a Republican member of Congress because he harvested absentee ballots and a Federal Court agreed there was problem with the “chain of custody, the same issue I have asked the CRP Board members to address.  The CRP can and should be as aggressive as the North Carolina Democrat Party.
·         I believe in laissezfaire economics.  I do not believe laissezfaire politics.  The California Republican Party Board of Directors must be aggressive to win elections and keep elections honest and question the results when they aren’t.
·         I oppose Prop. 14. My opponents have supported it.
·         I want a voter registration program! Only when running for CRP Chair have my opponents supported this.
·         I want  aggressive leaders in the CRP. I do not want silent leaders, who only voice their opinion when it becomes convenient for them to do so.
·         I have already started the effort for 2020 absentee ballot harvesting. My opponents are still talking about it.
·         I want a working CRP convention, where plans for 2020 are started. My opponents are silent.
I have no personal agenda for running for CRP Chair; I will not run for Governor in 2022 or any other office fort that matter. When asked the same question at the Redlands Tea Party debate Travis Allen did not answer the question.  My other opponent has been the leading staffer in the efforts to keep Prop 14 and neither have been vociferous in the voter registration debate, until recently, as candidates.
My goal is to work as a Team with all the delegates, volunteers and county Committee members to win in November 2020.  I humbly ask for your support and endorsement.  You can send me an email at stephenfrank@sbcglobal.net or call me at 805-795-1271.  Together we can revive the California Republican Party and win in 2020.

Stephen Frank, candidate, Chair, California Republican Party
(While my opponents have no written plans to show delegates they have used "endorsements" as the reason to vote for them.  I have previously listed some of my endorsements, but believe you need to know what I will do to build a Team, restart voter registration, stop the abuses of absentee ballot harvesting, strengthen the County Committee's and more.  I am proud of those that have endorsed me–but that is NOT the reason to vote for me–I will be both your work horse and show horse.  In my messages I will note of of those supporting me, not because others are doing so, but because they understand the need to have real plans and be able to implement them to revive the California Republican Party.  I am proud of the support from grassroot delegates like Dianne Alexander, Marcus Frishman, Mary Doehring, Barbara Barstow, Tom Palzer, Ken Campbell, Rosalina Zamora, Jill Barto–and many more.)
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