Dear Torrance Unified School Board:

My name is Arthur Schaper, and today I speak with you in my
capacity as the Organization Director for MassResistance. For over 25 years,
MassResistance has been fighting the corrupt cultural Marxist influences which
have bombarded the public school system. We have targeted the LGBT agenda, and
that fight has now included going after Black Lives Matter and Critical Race
Theory. We have had a number of successes in Massachusetts, Missouri, and even
here in California.

It’s really shameful to see what is now happening in the
Torrance Unified School District.

Last year, our organization received a number of complaints
about Black Lives Matter promotionalism, at West High School and Madrona Middle
School. Our team’s efforts pushed back on this abuse, and the Instagram account
for Madrona Middle School was taken down, and the West High School teacher had
to back off from his inappropriate lessons in the classroom.

Later on, I received complaints about Kelsey Redgrift, a
special ed English teacher at South High School bemoaning and wailing about her
“white privilege.” Teaching people to be ashamed of themselves because of their
skin color is a violation of natural rights, regardless of whether a person is
black or white.

Then I received more disturbing complaints, once again,
about West High School.

English Teacher Margaret Cunningham and Junius Welch are
promoting Black Lives Matter and LGBT ideologies in their classrooms, including
the discredited hate group known as “The Human Rights Campaign.” That
organization was founded by an accused sex offender, Terry Bean, who tried to
buy of his victims’ testimony in court. The now -former president, Alphonso
David, was also fired for covering up the misdeeds of now-resigned New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo.

A student took the pictures of Cunningham’s classroom. I
sent the photos to each of you earlier today.

Black Lives Matter is another discredited hate group, whose
founders were self-avowed violent Marxists. BLM “protests” around the country
turned into riots very quickly. Lives were ruined or murdered, businesses
destroyed, cities decimated. The biggest victims of these political horrors?
Black people.

Let’s not forget that parents have shared with me the very
invasive sex-related surveys given to students at Richardson Middle School and
South High School. These questions ask flagrantly inappropriate. We are talking
about 12 year old, here! This is just another perverse push to normalize sexual
perversion and deviance. It’s science that there are two sexes, that there is
natural affection of man and woman. The notion that we should be pushing LGBT
ideologies onto kids in the classroom is untenable.

All of this needs to stop.

Teachers must cease from their political proselytizing in
Torrance classrooms. These propaganda flags must be removed. Teachers do not
have the same First Amendment rights when they serve in the classroom. Two
supreme court decisions have settled that issue.

The school district needs to enact a clear-cut policy which
ensures that students do not misuse official school logos and labels when
exercising their First Amendment rights.

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