Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has proved to stay in line with pushing amnesty and pathways to citizenship outside of already laid legal strictures.

In a 2013 colloquium with amnesty traitor Luis Gutierrez, Ryan announced that he wanted to place himself in the shoes of "immigrants" to understand what they are going through.
He has been a dedicated advocate for expansion of H-1B and other work vises for foreign nationals at the expense of hard-working Americans, and then 95 million who are out of work!
This is outrageous!
He tried to run away from Donald Trump, and now he is trying to undermine the rule of law and Trump's plans to build a border wall and deport illegal aliens.
He even assured an illegal alien "DREAMER" that she would not have to worry about deportation:
Speaker Ryan's House Office Number is (202) 225-0600.
I called his office because I wanted to share my vocal displeasure with his continued empathy for illegal aliens but not for American citizens.
I got his voicemail, of course, but also a series of options for leaving a message on specific issues:
1. A Better Way Forward.This phrase represents a list of policy reforms which Speaker Ryan wants to tackle, including National Security.
2. President Obama's Health Care Law
3. Second Amendment
4. Tax reform
5. To hear Speaker Ryan's Statement on Iran
6. Leave a voicemail.
Notice that Speaker Ryan leaves nothing about sharing our views on Immigration!
There are more issues and concerns tied to immigration than just national security.
Americans are facing depressed wages and diminishing job opportunities.
Sanctuary cities are impelling American citizens, too.
The rule of law is under attack like never before — and Yet Paul Ryan does not want to hear what Americans think about immigration?
Donald Trump got elected on a hard-line stance for immigration:
1.Build the wall
2. E-Verfiy
3. Welfare Reform
4. Triple the border patrol
5. Punish VISA overstays
This message is not hard to grasp.
He delivered an incredibly effective message in Arizona:
Congressmsan Ryan, I do want Obamacare repealed I want tax reform, and I want Second Amendment rights protected and expanded.
But most of all, I want immigration laws enforced in our country–in my country!
And you need to stop being blind and deaf to our concerns!
Our maybe Paul Nehlen makes to need another bid to unseat Ryan!
Contact Speaker Paul Ryan, and demand immigration ENFORCEMENT!
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