Tucker Carlson wins the Internet again:

WATCH: Tucker Carlson takes a look back at public health hypocrisy in San Francisco during the Spanish Flu, and the photograph that changed everything.

Today, we see the EXACT same dishonest behavior from San Francisco hypocrite Nancy Pelosi. pic.twitter.com/SGoatsc6HU

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) August 24, 2021

The Spanish Flu overwhelmed the world in 1918. Everyone was forced to wear masks all the time, or face heavy fines.

Then one day, a group photo of bigwigs and other politicians at a San Francisco prize fight was released. No one was wearing masks!

Everyone realized that the whole thing was a government scam. At that point, all the masks came down.

We need to start doing more of the same, 100 years later! 

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