I commend Raphe Sonenshein for laying off the worn-out "GOP divided" talking points, and instead shining the light on the growing rift in the California Democratic Party: the divide between reform-minded activists and retrenchment of the special interest status quo.

Between those who want a good education for our youth, and those who want to stay in the good graces of the unions, the Democratic Party leadership is having a harder time maintaining its slimming coalition. Now wonder independents are becoming the growing political party in the state of California and other blue states.

This past week, the Democratically-controlled state senate education committee just killed SB 451 (sponsored by Bob Huff, R-Diamond Bar), which would have expanded public school choice to all California residents, regardless of their zipcode or the status of their local public school.

I cannot think of a more unfair outcome than the state legislature denying our kids the right to choose what school they can attend. For a party which claims to champion justice and equity, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and to expand access for all people, the state Democratic leadership is bucking not just its members, but its own values.

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