Unlike her political commentaries, I do agree with Ms. Huffington that individuals must not resign themselves to an occupation that they hate, but invest themselves in a career which interests them. Unfortunately, post-secondary education seems more invested in pushing around prejudices and spinning idealized (yet very untrue) perceptions of markets, missions, and the people who make them happen. With so much misinformation, I am not surprised that many young people and lack the same naive Miranda-like enthusiasm of "Oh Brave New World!" They are simply not wise enough to be brave in the face of so much folly and failure.

Ms. Lenkia Cruz' last question about the challenges of journalism against media innovations indicate that Huffington has a commercial as well as a moral reason for her visit to Royce. She wants to save her flagging media empire, one which recently merged with Aol.com. News junkets like hers cannot expect to last long as long as they continue catering to class of individuals more interested in pressing the role of the state and subjects which only press minutely on the public interest. The reason why so many people, young and old, are seeing grand failures government, business, and the media is that individuals are taking out their frustrations through their own media markets, social media permitting just about anyone to say and write what they please. With the diffusion of the media markets pushing meaningful content more to the margins, citizens are less informed, thus crippling their efficacy in government; business can collude with government; and media markets are left to publish inane and offensive stories which have little interest.

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