Investment in education – one of the most overused and
discredited of motivations. If we really want to invest in education, let us invest in not investing more power, money, and authority into our school districts. Like the federal government and statehouses across the country, our public schools do not have a revenue problem; they have a spending problem. What percent of every dollar actually reaches the classroom? In one school district, the waste is so bad, only about fifty cents out of every dollar actually pays for education. Where is the rest of the money going? Six figure salaries to unnecessary district staff, along with underfunded pensions and health care benefits, usually unsubsidized by the worker and subsidized for the life of the employee by the district.
How much more money will taxpayers permit to be wasted on
the public school education monopoly?
investment in the education of our youth – why is the federal government
allocating any funds toward education in the first place? What role does Washington really
play in reading, writing, and arithmetic? They do not read their legislation,
they do not write the bills they submit, and they invest almost no time in
adding and subtracting, since the government has cost overruns every minute of
every day.
“Solyndras in the Classroom: — “They have enriched teachers
unions and other rent-seekers but have done little for the students other than
saddle many of them with crushing student-loan debt.”
What about the school districts? What about the parents who
have kids who have grown old but have not grown up? The debt of wasted money
has created a behemoth national debt which is threatening our nation’s
solvency. The Chinese will not go with the flow of red ink forever. What was
the purpose of an education, anyway?
[In response to an article in Forbes Magazine from Louis Woodhill, Leadership Council for the Club for Growth]