Solano County Republican Party Chairman removed a Republican from their group.

It was as full-on purge, with no explanation provided.

RINOs purging conservatives.
What is going on?

I received this email from Ryan Messano, resident and pro-family activist from Vallejo, CA. He had joined MassResistance at the July 25th, 2018 Dixon City Council meeting to support Vice Mayor Ted Hickman and his freedom of speech to write about "Straight Pride" and to advocate for natural marriage and biological reality, i.e. male and female are immutable and necessary characteristics of two individuals.

Here is the email:

Hi Arthur,

They responded and said they had no time to meet on the schedule.

Further, the Solano GOP, which did not show up to Dixon and won't support the Vice Mayor, but will support his opponent, Mr. Peterson, who believes  his opinions are hate speech, even though he gets GOP support, just kicked me out of their organization.

I got a text last night from the chairman, Lou Webster.

And I quote,

'Ryan.  I am sorry to tell you I am returning your check and revoking your membership   It has come to my attention you are on social media in bad light  Also I got call from a Detective from Vallejo.  Please don't come back to 625 Jackson St.  Sorry
Lou Webster' .  This message was quoted verbatim as sent to me, with no corrections for punctuation. 

I was shocked. This is my own party, allegedly.  I really liked everyone there.  They had just introduced me a month ago.  Who is conservative and is not portrayed in a bad light on social media?  I don't even have a FB account, and haven't said anything close to some of the personal attacks of Trump.  Also, it appears the police are following me, even though the crime rate in Vallejo is through the roof.  This is disturbing.  They remove me from City Hall, violating my First Amendment rights, and are now tailing me and spying on me when I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG.  Very disturbing.  I remember this happening in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia and China, but never dreamed I'd be dealing with it here.

I responded with this.

'Hi Lou,

I'm shocked, disappointed, and saddened by your decision.

We've come to a pretty pass when repeating the Founders views on social media gets you kicked out of the allegedly Conservative Party that is supposed to have your back.  Then you say the police called you?  That's totally unacceptable.  I am a United States Military Veteran, and I have police in my own country sneaking around behind my back.  Did you ask them what lawful reason they had for snooping around on me?  Did they have a warrant?  Why are you listening to the Vallejo police anyway?  They violated my first Amendment rights, and you are going to help them?  With friends like these, who needs enemies?

I originally saw this video on your site (, and thought I was among conservative patriots.  I honestly liked and enjoyed meeting everyone, but apparently the feeling wasn't mutual. 

The entire reason we were given the First Amendment was situations like this, yet you bow to what liberal snowflakes and Gestapo tactics dictate?

I almost think someone stole your phone.  How is it you can happily welcome me one day, and join the liberal lynch mob the next day?

Do you really want to be remembered for bowing to the mob, like Pilate, and crucifying a man who simply repeated what America's Founders said?

If you treat those who repeat the Founders ideas like this, then maybe  you'd better take down the two Founders portraits in your hall, and put up a picture of Benedict Arnold.  That way visitors know what you really stand for.

To which he responded:
'I am so sorry.  I based this on advice from others and higher levels in the party'

And I responded:

'First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Martin Niemoller'



For background information:

Ryan Messano was unjustly thrown out of a Vallejo City Council meeting, just for exercising his First Amendments, but more specifically because he spoke out against sodomy, transgenderism, and the moral anarchy of the LGBT Movement.

Messano unlawfully removed from city council chambers
(From Times Herald)

The police chief forced him to leave, and he was escorted out because he opposed the appointment of a lesbian to a city commission. She was ultimately appointed because … she was a lesbian.

That is a twofold problem. Identity politics has no place in determining the merit of anyone entering into a position of public service. Homosexuality is not an identity, but a set of behaviors, and they should not be treated as any kind of special status.

The bottom line: there was no excuse for Messano to be removed from the Solano County GOP, just as there was no right for him to be removed from the Vallejo City Council chambers in April earlier this year.

I contacted the Solano County GOP Chairman Lou Webster, and he refused to give an answer.

Here are the text messages I received from him:

Feel free to give Mr. Webster a call! (707) 372-0419

Here is his email address, too:

Solano RINO GOP Chairman Lou Webster is a full-on assault on freedom of speech, and this is a full-on assault against people who stand for truth about natural marriage, life, and family. The LGBT Agenda has been built on lies for the last thirty years, arguing that people are born gay, that gender can change just like removing one article of clothing and replacing it with another.

These are lies, they are attacking the foundations of our culture and the fundamentals of our civilization.

It is wrong, and people of faith and conscience must not be afraid to stand up and speak the truth. Conservatives who care about the First Amendment need to speak out!

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