The Republic of Singapore, a city-state located at the base of Malaysia and at the intersection of a number of Southeast Asian countries, maintains a conservative family culture within its borders.

The country still criminalizes sodomy, even though the elected leadership has announced that they will not actively enforce this legislation.

The country has recently forbidden foreign influence of any kind in any of the country's public assemblies, including the Pink Dot Festival, which promotes LGBT themes and advocates for the repeal of the anti-sodomy law on Singapore's books.

Public attitudes toward homosexuality, transgenderism, and the like remain negative, despite perverse attempts from LGBT Activists to force accept of these issues into the mainstream of Singapore society.

Another welcome step that the country has taken is to prevent the broadcasting of pro-gay scenes and themes in international movies showcased in the city-state.

Such is the case with the latest iteration of the Star Wars franchise, which was purchased and has now been exploited by the Disney Corporation. A same-sex kiss worked its way into Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. However, to ensure wider release to general audiences in Singapore, the movie distributors removed this same-sex kiss. Otherwise, a M18 rating would have been placed on the film, and thus cut off a large source of potential revenue.

This kind of censorship should be happening in the United States, and to such a degree that these films will cease incorporating pro-LGBT themes and moments in the movies. The truth is that more Americans, especially the younger generation, are getting tired of this LGBT propagandizing getting forced onto the general public, especially children.

Of course, there are entertainment commentators who think that Singapore's views on family values in entertainment are backwards, and that the country needs to give up safeguarding the well-being of the youth and the general public.

Teng Yong Ping of Yahoo Lifestyle SEA wrote the following:

Teng Yong Ping

Here's his brief bio:

Yong Ping covers lifestyle and entertainment news for Yahoo
Lifestyle Singapore. He watches too much television for his own good and, in
between binging Netflix shows, plays badminton and sings with a show choir.

Perhaps he should get out more often and consider what mothers and fathers want for their children, as opposed to the narrow-minded, arrogant views of the chattering classes on the Internet.
What's more, here are his featured profiles and friends on his Facebook page:
He is clearly biased toward the repeal of 377a, the law in Singapore which criminalizes homosexual sodomy.
Notice also that one of his main friends is Otto Fong, the radical homosexual activist who came out in 2007 while serving as a public school teacher in Singapore. He subsequently was forced to retire, but he is still pushing for the normalization of his sexual perversion. Other of Yong Ping's friends include those who are #Ready4Repeal. (For more information on Otto Fong, click here)
Otto Fong,  Former Singapore Teacher, Radical Gay Activist 
This entertainment "journalist" is clearly an LGBT propagandist, if he is not an active homosexual himself. Such corrupted reporting has worked against the news industry in general, and entertainment media in particular. This kind of forced indoctrination and propagandizing is completely unacceptable. Isn't it is his job to report whether a movie is worth watching or not?
Now let us consider the contents of his report.
Here are the noteworthy comments from his article condemning the Republic of Singapore's decisions to censor and remove pro-LGBT scenes and sentiments from the movies.
As pop culture
juggernauts like Hollywood studios and Netflix include more and more queer
characters and stories in their content, Singapore’s regressive censorship
rules will increasingly be invoked in more visible ways. 

Good for Singapore!

Last week, as Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker (TROS)
opened in Singapore, it transpired that 
Disney had voluntarily cut a scene of a same-sex kiss on
the lips between two minor female characters in a romantic relationship. This
meant that Disney would be able to retain a PG13
rating for the movie in
Singapore, so that families could bring their children to watch it. 
You can’t really blame
Disney, which owns Lucasfilm, the studio that produces the Star Wars movies.
They’re just looking after their bottom line, after all. In censoring its film,
albeit by cutting mere seconds of footage, Disney was simply reacting to the
Singapore government’s long-standing LGBT censorship policy.

Disney pays enough attention to its bottom line in other countries, enough that they removed the LGBT propagandizing from its latest Star Wars movie. But why didn't they do the same thing for the American audiences? Does Disney really believe that general audiences in the United States want to watch the same insufferable "woke" filth?

In Singapore, where
gay sex is illegal, movies that depict queer characters or queer romances
usually receive at least an M18 rating, or an R21 rating if the LGBT content is
considered egregious enough. (Only people above the ages or 18 or 21 can watch
movies with such ratings.) Such content is censored from TV shows too.

Good! The same thing needs to happen in the United States, Canada, and other English-speaking countries with a considerable share of the prospective audience market share.

These censorship rules
are based on the idea that media content should not “promote homosexual
lifestyles” – that seeing gay characters onscreen will turn children gay –
which is, of course, rubbish. 
And there you have the not-so subtle arrogance of these entertainment writers and reporters. The truth is that the LGBT Agenda has been fighting for a long time to normalize their sexual perversions for general audiences, especially children. Gay activists made their intentions very clear in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They were not agitating merely for political acquiescence. They expected to be accepted, and they insisted that they would not rest until homosexual and transgender behaviors and conduct.
In their latest push for accommodation, domination, and admiration, the LGBT lobbies are demanding that their characteristics behaviors receive considerable attention and promotion in the arts and entertainment industries. When does this abuse of the public square cease?
Even the way local
mainstream media reported the news was telling. Yahoo Lifestyle SEA first
 broke the news that the gay kiss in TROS had been
censored in Singapore.
 It was only days later that mainstream
publications such as The Straits Times and Today Online featured the
same news
– using foreign news wire articles, mind you, not their own reporting. This was
after international news outlets such as BBC and the New York Times had already
picked up the news. 

There is a silver lining to this revelation: major news outlets like the British Broadcasting Corporation and the New York Times are not that major anymore. In fact, the legacy media is in complete freefall as fewer people are putting up with the Marxist propagandizing which has become so ubiquitous. In fact, this is great news for pro-family and pro-tradition forces throughout the world.

TROS is groundbreaking in being the
first global blockbuster to feature a same-sex romantic kiss.
it’s by no means the first instance of LGBT representation in tentpole Hollywood

No, what is truly ground-breaking is that the Disney Corporation has ruined the Star Wars franchise so completely. Despite a decent revenue haul over the past two weeks, this movie had the worst opening weekend of all the Star Wars movies. "Get woke and Go Broke" now has struck the Disney Corporation and its Star Wars franchise.

The Beauty And The
Beast live-action remake was the first Disney film to
feature gay characters.
 Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame had a minor
gay character
 that mentioned dating another man. Star Trek
Beyond retconned Hikaru Sulu into a gay character complete
with husband and daughter. Pixar’s Toy Story 4 had a female
same-sex couple with a son
 in kindergarten. (These films all
received PG ratings in Singapore since the gay characters were tiny parts of
the movies – and they didn’t kiss.)

These themes should not be promoted to children, to anyone. How much longer before everyday movie-goers rebel in larger measure by boycotting these movies?

The kiss in TROS may
have been merely a split-second nod to LGBT inclusion. But Hollywood giant
Marvel Studios, which is also a subsidiary of Disney, has stated its commitment
to portraying greater diversity in the next phase of its hugely popular movies.

Greater diversity is going to be mean less prosperity very soon.

The upcoming Thor: Love And Thunder will feature
a queer romance involving the bisexual Valkyrie, 
played by
A-lister Tessa Thompson. And The Eternals, which counts Angelina Jolie among
its cast, will feature a gay superhero

Will Singapore censor
such movies? Marvel is a cinematic powerhouse that has influenced global pop culture profoundly. It
now boasts the box-office record for highest grossing film for Avengers:
Endgame (US$2.8 billion or S$3.8 billion), which capped off a decade-long
blockbuster saga. If Singapore censors LGBT characters from these beloved
movies, it will be very obvious to millions of local and global moviegoers how
backward our government is. 

People in Singapore really should not care what other countries think of them. The fact that Asian countries are more faithful to family commitments than diversity quotas works in their favor. More countries need to be committed to promoting what is right, true, and good, not "accepting." Besides, so-called cinematic powerhouses risk losing whatever funding or cultural influence the more that they continue pushing sexual perversion and deviance onto the greater culture. In fact, more countries are taking firmer steps against LGBT hegemony within their borders, in large part because of the virulent spread of venereal disease.

Let’s do some thought
experiments. What if the LGBT storyline featuring Tessa Thompson in Thor: Love
And Thunder leads to, say, three minutes being cut from the movie so that it
gets a PG13 rating? What if 10 minutes are cut? What if The Eternals are rated
R21 because the gay protagonist cannot be excised from the story? What if
Marvel decides to withdraw the movie in Singapore rather than bow to censors?
What would that say about Singapore, supposedly an open and cosmopolitan city?

How does one define "open" or "cosmopolitan"? Allowing rampant homosexuality and other forms of sexual degradation in the movie industry has not opened up the industry, but rather shown how closed off, how narrow-minded the industry has become. This kind of "openness" is rather stagnating and debilitating, actually. Singapore is rightly to reject such presentations.

My guess is that many
Singaporeans would feel, at best, indignant, and at worst, embarrassed at the
image portrayed of our country. 

This "woke" entertainment journalist is so out of touch, one has to wonder how much longer he will remain in business or even have a job with "Yahoo News Singapore."

It’s not just Disney
or blockbusters that are becoming more inclusive. There has been a general trend towards diversity in films and
Singapore’s censorship will likely kick in
increasingly, as content features more LGBT characters. Already, two Netflix
cartoon series – The Dragon Prince, and She-Ra And The Princesses Of
– have M18 ratings in Singapore because of lesbian
characters. These are shows meant for kids. 

Children's cartoons?! The targeting and systematic indoctrination toward children is beyond outrageous. American audiences should be raising alarm on this perverted content. It should not be released to any country.

With OTT streaming
becoming more common, censors will increasingly become less relevant as well,
since the final arbiter of content consumption on Netflix is the parent holding
the restriction passcode, and not a committee of state-appointed censors. 
Mr. Teng Yong Ping obviously missed the memo, in which more Netflix subscribers have happily decided to cancel their subscriptions rather than permit such LGBT filth into their homes. Parents are engaging their rights to protect their children from such brazen indoctrination. Children deserve to know the truth about LGBT behaviors, that they are inherently disordered and destructive, and

The trend towards
diversity is inevitable and a positive sign of progress in LGBT representation
in media. Queer people, as do women and minority groups, deserve to see
themselves being represented in the films and TV shows that reflect our culture
and communities. 

Here we go: "The trend toward diversity is inevitable." Not so fast. This "wrong side/right side of history" argument has been quite popular with the Left. They love to give this impression that the rushed imposition of homosexuality, transgenderism, and the like is inevitable in our global or even in local cultures. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that more young people are becoming increasingly strained by and disdainful of this whole LGBT Agenda. They have grown up recognizing at the outset that it's a tyrannical regime. The whole LGBT push has nothing to do with "Live and Let Live" tolerance, as they had falsely yet persuasively claimed twenty years ago.

Having said that, it
is certainly a government’s prerogative to censor what it deems harmful
to society. But if Singapore’s censors choose to continue erasing queer people
from our stories, they will find that the bigotry and homophobia in the country
will be more and more obvious to the rest of the world.

"Queer people" do not exist. This is a lie, and more people are waking up to this lie. The Republic of Singapore has every right to censor such content, and the parents and stakeholders in the city-state have every right to continue demanding the diminution of such perversity in the public square.

Final Reflection

The entertainment industry has long sought to position itself as the full and final arbiter of culture taste and norms. However, they have pushed this intended hegemony too far, neglecting to realize that there is a growing cohort of men and women, especially from younger generations, who are tired of LGBT issues being imposed on the general cultural narrative.

There is nothing in this life that is inevitable. The notion that homosexual privileges will gain inevitable ascendancy simply is not true. There is a subtle yet growing culture undercurrent that is militantly pushing back against the normalization of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other paraphilias around the world. The entertainment industries are already discovering that their growing push to make something unnatural and abnormal into something, well, normal is not working. Hollywood does not have the industrial pre-eminence that it once possessed. Corporate media in the United States and throughout the world is not as strong as it used to be, either. Silicon Valley social media giants are starting to face fresh competition, as well, since individual users can propagate their views through different venues.

No, LGBT domination is not inevitable. In fact, the arrogant pre-eminence of this movement, now demanding its place in children's libraries and general entertainment, has proved to the public that this LGBT Agenda was never about "Live and Let Live", but rather "We live, and you live with it, or else."

The Republic of Singapore has every right to deem that LGBT content should not be broadcast to children. They nation and its people have every right to decide that they do not want a culture which promotes homosexual content and ideas to others, especially to children.

The ramblings of one "woke" (and possibly gay) entertainment journalist (in reality, propagandist) has little to no bearing on what will happen in the long-term in the Republic of Singapore. To be candid, more countries, more movie attendees should follow Singapore's lead and take a firmer stance toward censoring such perverse LGBT content in movies, television programs, but especially in cartoons and any other content geared toward a younger audience.

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