Despite the
media projections and the hopes of GOP grassroots, I am pleasantly surprised
about my reaction to Judge Roy Moore's unprecedented and unfortunate loss in
Alabama. It’s sad, but no soul-crushing. I’m learning to have some perspective
about these losses. 
Still, who would have thought that a left-wing wannabe
Obama Democrat would carry the win in Deeply Red Roll Tide Alabama? But hard-core
Obama clone Doug Jones–so far–has pulled it off. Judge Moore has not conceded
the race yet, and he has not spoken with Jones. The margin of victory is 1.5%,
but all the absentee ballots have not been counted, including military ballots.
Reports have surfaced that voter fraud occurred in the major urban regions,
especially with turnout suggesting that 92% of Democratic voters showed up to
the polls. Such outcomes are highly unrealistic even if true.
Also, videos have surfaced with liberal poll
workers who said that they came from out of state and VOTED. What?! That is
outrageous! To add doubt to controversy, the Alabama Supreme Court also issued
a ruling which allows for the destruction of the paper ballots. Something
stinks in Mobile.
But even if there is nothing left to contest in
this election, and Doug Jones retains his victory, there are a number of silver
linings to this Alabama disaster:
1. The Democrats will have to contend with a weak
member of the Upper Chamber who represents a deeply conservative state. You can
bet that he will face massive pressure to vote conservative despite his liberal
campaign promises. Will Jones have a chance at re-election in two years? How
can he possibly vote and hope for any kind of victory next time? Some pundits
have called Doug Jones the Democrats' Scott Brown, recalling the Republican
state senator from Wrentham, Massachusetts who defeated Massachusetts liberal
Attorney General Martha Coakley to become the next US Senator, replacing the
deceased Ted Kennedy.
Brown lost his re-election bid during the
contentious Presidential election in 2012. Doug Jones will face an epic defeat
in 2020 as the Trump agenda brings up the polling and national voting trends a
second time. Very likely, Congressman Mo Brooks will be the front-runner and
GOP nominee and stomp on Jones.
2. Congressman Mo Brooks was the favorite for
conservatives and political commentators. He had established a clear
conservative record on all major issues. He was very good on immigration, and
had submitted a very simple bill to repeal Obamacare completely.
This week, Brooks disclosed on the House floor that
he has aggressive prostate cancer. Had he won the GOP nomination in Alabama, he
would not have gotten the life-saving screening about his health condition.
"Losing the US Senate race saved my life!" Brooks declared. Indeed, as
Judge Moore declared, God works in mysterious ways. Brooks will live to fight
another day, whether in the House or as many hope in the United States Senate.
3. Because their ranks have lost one member, the
Republican Majority in the US Senate is feeling the heat like never before, as
they should. What have they been doing with their majority for the last eleven
months? Yes, they installed an impressive array of judicial nominees throughout
the federal court system. They have also passed key legislation to fortify our
military, pay our armed personnel, and protect our veterans.
But the big promises on immigration, health
care, and taxes have remained unfulfilled. That is, unless Congress gets moving
on the major tax reform package working its way through conference. McConnell
is about to lose a reliable GOP vote because of the disastrous results in
Alabama, and outgoing incumbent Luther Strange has been good enough when needed
on the tax votes. Republicans have to get tax reform done, or face worse
consequences in the coming months.
Also, Moore's loss also highlights Majority
Leader McConnell's weakness and growing unpopularity with the national
grassroots and party brass. After tax reform, let's prepare for McConnell to
call it quits, just as reports have surfaced that House Speaker Paul Ryan will
be exiting after the 2018 Elections.
4. Vice President Mike Pence will have a more
featured role in Congressional politics and legislation, and that is a good
thing. In January, Republicans will have a slim 51-49 majority. We can expect
more 50-50 votes, and Pence will loom large to break those ties. Trump won in
large part because of energized Evangelicals. Selecting Mike Pence as VP was a
winning move for the President, since he shored up confidence with the wavering
Christian and social conservative voters throughout the country on that pick. A
more prominent Pence will remind Republicans how important it is to vote in
2018 and 2020.
5. Democrats have lost their favorite sexual
harassment foil with Moore's seeming loss. US Senator Al Franken is gone,
doggone it! More liberal press agents and reporters are disappearing or getting
suspended because of sexual assault and misconduct allegations. Conservatives may
have lost one race, but we are winning the culture wars as major institutions,
overtaken by the left, are falling apart under their own immoral hypocrisy.

The loss in Alabama is a temporary setback, but
a strong goad to Congressional Republicans to get busy and an opportunity for
conservatives to reassess the upcoming fights and get busy for Election 2018.
Romney lost in 2012, which dragged down Republican chances in the House and the
US Senate that year. But then came 2014, and the GOP enjoyed epic victories all
over the country. Romney's loss also paved the way for President Trump in 2016,
who has far exceeded expectations. Conservatives should look forward to more
winning like those previous victories despite Moore's unpleasant loss in
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