Congresswoman Maxine Waters has betrayed her constituents continously.

It doesn't matter how much pork she brings into the district for pet causes.

The truth is that she is all about herself and keeping herself in power.

Nothing more.

Today, I received this interesting message on Facebook from a follower of mine. She pointed out a clear Biblical sign that exposes the essential treachery of this woman:

Good day to you… Was viewing the videos you shared of
your trip to D.C (Awesome thanks for sharing) and came across the one with
Chanell Temple outside Waters Office… 

The numbers 2221 of Waters office
jumped out at me.. My grandmother may she now be Resting In Peace would often
say…Watch the numbers they'll have a message… You both may find this
interesting on the numbers 2221 "BETRAYAL":

 "But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table." (Luke 22:21)

By the "hand" is meant, not figuratively the counsel, contrivance, and conspiracy of Judas to
betray him, as the word is used in ( 2 Samuel 14:19 ) but literally the hand of
Judas, which was then dipping in the dish with Christ, ( Matthew 26:23 ) and it
follows here, is with me on the table;
and is an aggravation of his
sin, that one that sat with him at his table, ate bread with him, and dipped
his morsel in the same dish, should be the betrayer of him, according to the
prophecy in ( Psalms 41:9 ) as well as describes and points at the person that
should do this action, even one of his disciples; for which disciples, he had
just now said, his body is given, and his blood is shed. The phrase, "with
me", is left out in the Syriac and Persic versions. From Luke's account it
appears most clearly, that Judas was not only at the passover, but at the
Lord's supper, since this was said when both were over.

Thank you for your efforts. blessings to you and yours..
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