I finally had the time to comment on Scott Weiner's unthinkable legislation SB 239.

It is no longer a felony to knowingly infect a sexual partner with AIDS.

Governor Jerry Brown signed off on this perverse bill.

It is OK for an infected person to spread AIDS to someone else, and it will only count as a misdemeanor.




Check out the final vote on this bill, including the concurrence which had followed:

SB 239 Final Vote

The tally for the vote is particularly disturbing.

Who voted for this terrible bill?

Two Republicans–Catharine Baker and Brian Maienschein.

My own Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi voted for this perverse legislation, too.

Check out this gay libertarian activist with Steve Crowder.

He has been marginalized by homosexual activists because he opposed this terrible bill–which has now become law.

Louder with Crowder

Now check out what the Los Angeles Times had to report, as well:

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill Friday that lowers from a felony to a
misdemeanor the crime of knowingly exposing a sexual partner to HIV without
disclosing the infection.

The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the
blood bank that they are HIV-positive.


The Red Cross will probably have to discontinue receiving blood from patients in the state of California because of this legislation. I cannot believe I am reading this. It was bad enough that the legislature essentially decriminalized child prostitution, in that the children themselves will not be arrested for the crime. Now the johns and the pimps can just push the children into harm's way, hide their own identity as is expected, and no one goes to jail. No effort of law enforcement will emerge to stop this travesty.

Individuals with AIDS can introduce their blood

Modern medicine allows those with HIV to live longer lives and nearly
eliminates the possibility of transmission, according to state Sen. Scott
Wiener (D-San Francisco) and Assemblyman Todd Gloria (D-San Diego), authors of
the bill.''

Scott Weiner is a liar.

“Today California took a major step toward treating HIV as a public health
issue, instead of treating people living with HIV as criminals,” Wiener said in
a statement. “HIV should be treated like all other serious infectious diseases,
and that’s what SB 239 does.”

Having HIV is not a crime. Infecting someone with a life-altering, if not life-threatening disease is still an assault, a damaging affront to the safety and sanctity of the human person.

Supporters of the change said the current law requires an intent to
transmit HIV to justify a felony, but others noted cases have been prosecuted
where there was no physical contact, so there was an argument intent was

Brown declined to comment on his action.

Of course he did. He was a coward, pressured by the aggressive, hateful LGBT lobby to go along with this travesty of a law. There should indeed be a stigma for those who go around infecting people with AIDS.

It is evil to give people a life-threatening disease. That is wrong!

HIV has been the only communicable disease for which exposure is a
felony under California law. The current law, Wiener argued, may convince
people not to be tested for HIV, because without a test they cannot be charged
with a felony if they expose a partner to the infection.

They would not have knowingly infected someone with AIDS if … they did not know that they had AIDS! The logic behind this legislation is just unbelievable. Liberalism is a mental disorder, a complete break with reality.

“We are going to end new HIV infections, and we will do so not by
threatening people with state prison time, but rather by getting people to test
and providing them access to care,” Wiener said.

They can do that without this bill. Crowder's guest acknowledges his homosexual preferences and his AIDS diagnosis. He was knowingly infected by a political opponent–and he has to spend incredible amounts of money to keep the AIDS virus.

Supporters of the bill said women engaging in prostitution are
disproportionately targeted with criminal charges, even in cases where the
infection is not transmitted.

Now this gets worse, since child prostitution is legal. Those children will be used and abused–and transmit diseases, too, without worry of any jail time.

Republican lawmakers including Sen. Joel Anderson of Alpine voted
against the bill, arguing it puts the public at risk.

“I’m of the mind that if you purposefully inflict another with a
disease that alters their lifestyle the rest of their life, puts them on a
regimen of medications to maintain any kind of normalcy, it should be a
felony,” Anderson said during the floor debate. “It’s absolutely crazy to me
that we should go light on this.”

YES INDEED! Joel Anderson is AWESOME!

Anderson said the answer could be to extend tougher penalties to those
who expose others to other infectious diseases.

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